The Parry years
In 1923 LW Parry was appointed Headmaster and during first term it was noted that there was no official school badge. With heraldic advice from the Royal Society of British Architects WA, Miss FC Ross drew several designs upon which the current school badge is based.
During 1924 the Council for Church of England Schools was reluctant to fully support the School and Reverend LW Parry took on the lease until 1929. While some initial progress was made, 1926 and 1927 were financially difficult years and Parry was not prepared to renew the lease. He offered to continue as Headmaster if the Council took over the School.
His offer was accepted on 1 January 1930, and the School reverted to full council and changed its name to Christ Church Grammar School. The Council invested in the School by acquiring new land and buildings and performing alterations and improvements to existing property.
The financial stability was short lived. With the onset of the Depression, enrolments dropped, resulting in the reduction of salaries and the number of staff at the School. The Council threatened to reduce its financial support and it was suggested that Christ Church cease taking on boarders and return to preparatory school status.
The stressful conditions resulted in the resignation of Canon Parry in 1932. He was replaced by Mr BT Walters, who managed to save the boarding side of the School by making it a private venture. Enrolments dropped to 78 pupils – the lowest for many years.
Once the Depression passed the School grew again – in 1936 there were 147 boys and by 1939 there were nearly 200.