CCGS World Edition


  • Year 12 Father/Friend and Son Breakfast 
  • World's Greatest Shave
  • Term 2 break

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Christ Church Grammar School Perth, Western Australia
  • Year 12 Father/Friend and Son Breakfast 
  • World’s Greatest Shave
  • Term 2 break

On Sunday, our talented Rock Workshop musicians from both the Preparatory and Senior Schools delivered electrifying performances at the Rock at Rosemount concert. It was fantastic to see an enthusiastic crowd adding to the vibrant atmosphere. On Tuesday night, the Prep Winter Concert in the Chapel saw Preparatory School music ensembles showcase a beautiful selection of music for their families and friends. It was a delightful evening that showcased the hard work and dedication of our youngest musicians.

Tomorrow our Year 12 students and their guests will attend Kings Park for the annual Year 12 Father/Friend and Son Breakfast. This year attendees will hear from Dr. Lachlan Henderson, father of old boy Oli Henderson (’17) and current CEO of HBF. Dr Henderson has had an impressive career journey, including roles such as Chair of Cricket Australia and Group Chief Executive of Epworth HealthCare. This is always a wonderful event that we eagerly look forward to each year. I would like to thank the Parents’ Association for their ongoing support of this event.

Earlier this week, 24 students and four staff took part in the World’s Greatest Shave to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation. Currently, the team have raised over $35,000 to support the organisation’s incredibly important work helping to fight blood cancer. If you would like to donate to this cause please follow the link here. You can see photos of the event on our Facebook page here.

This week, we bid a fond farewell to two long-serving staff members who have made significant contributions to Christ Church over the years. John Price, our Director of Finance and Murray Robertson, our Director of Staffing and Strategic Projects, retire at the end of the term. Their dedication and hard work have greatly supported our students and staff, and we are immensely grateful for their years of service. We extend our heartfelt thanks for their commitment and contributions to our community. As they embark on the next chapter of their lives, we wish them all the best and much success.

As we approach the end of another productive term, I would like to wish our school community a happy and safe term break. This is a well-deserved opportunity for everyone—students, staff, and families alike—to take a step back from the daily routine, relax, and rejuvenate. I encourage you all to make the most of this time, whether it’s through rest, spending quality moments with loved ones, or engaging in activities that bring you joy. I look forward to welcoming all students back to campus on Tuesday 16 July, refreshed and ready to take on the exciting challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in Term 3.

Alan Jones

Head of Senior School

  • World's Greatest Shave
  • Musical performances
  • Student reports

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Christ Church Grammar School Perth, Western Australia
  • World’s Greatest Shave
  • Musical performances
  • Student reports

On Tuesday and Wednesday at lunchtime this week, 24 of our senior students and four staff shaved their heads (and beard) to raise money towards the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave. Congratulations to all involved for raising over $35,000 and thank you to the Christ Church community for supporting this worthy cause.

The Music department capped off their busy end to the term with another amazing concert featuring exceptional talent. Rock at Rosemount showcased rock bands from Years 3 to 12. Special mentions for the amazing drumming of Aaryan Lathia from the Ballistic Chickens and the original pieces from The Air Friars, The Cherry Ice-creams and The So and So’s, with the Preparatory School students bringing the show to a conclusion.

This week we farewell some long-serving staff members, Claudia Feldman (Head of  Craigie House), John Price (Director of Finance) and Murray Robertson (Director of Staffing and Strategic Projects). We thank them for their dedication to the School over many years and for their hard work and support of the students and staff. Best wishes to them for the journey that lies ahead.

As we conclude the semester, it is always important to reflect on what has been achieved. To that end, I encourage all families to take the time to review student reports when they arrive in the first week of the holidays. The report outcomes should be considered in light of the goals set earlier in the year and adjustments and new plans put in place for Semester 2. Review of student reports will be a focus for students with Tutors in Week 1, along with a review of goals and adjustments where necessary ready for discussion at the Parent/Tutor interviews. I would like to take this moment to express my appreciation for the efforts and level of dedication our teachers and support staff go to, to produce an accurate reflection of your son’s journey in Senior School. Should you require your Nexus login details to view these reports, please contact our ICT Department on (08) 9442 1787 or

I wish you all a restful break and hope you find some warm weather to enjoy.

Upcoming Senior School Events

  • Term 3 Starts – Tuesday 16 July
  • PSA Sport versus Hale – Friday 19 and Saturday 20 July
  • Teams Carnival – Thursday 25 July
  • PSA Bye – Friday 26 and Saturday 27 July (except for Cross Country)
  • Parent / Tutor Interviews – Monday 29 July at 3.30pm to 7.00pm

Mark Morrissy

Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Head of Preparatory School

  • Reading as an essential skill
  • Book recommendations
  • BGM Awards

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Christ Church Grammar School Perth, Western Australia
  • Reading as an essential skill
  • Book recommendations
  • BGM Awards

Reading is an essential skill that plays a pivotal role in your son’s educational journey and overall development. Across the Preparatory School, we emphasise the importance of reading, not just as a classroom activity, but as a lifelong habit that can shape your son’s future in remarkable ways. It is widely recognised that reading enhances cognitive development. When engaging with books, your son is exposed to new ideas, concepts, and knowledge, which stimulates his brain and helps build his vocabulary. This exposure is crucial during the formative years when their brains are rapidly developing. Reading also helps to improve concentration and discipline. Sitting down with a book requires focus and patience, skills that are beneficial across all areas of learning. By setting aside regular reading time, boys quickly learn to concentrate for longer periods, which can positively impact their academic performance.

Moreover, reading fosters empathy and emotional intelligence. Through stories, our students experience different perspectives and emotions, helping them to better understand and relate to others. Book characters can become role models, teaching valuable life lessons and encouraging positive behaviour. Creativity and imagination are also nurtured through reading. As children visualise the scenes and characters described in books, they expand their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. This imaginative exploration is not only fun but also crucial for cognitive flexibility and innovation.

To support your son’s reading journey, we encourage you to create a reading-friendly environment at home that may include setting up a cozy reading nook. You are most welcome to visit the Preparatory School Library and let your son choose books that interest them. Reading together as a family can also be a delightful bonding activity, showing your son that you value and enjoy reading. Lastly, remember that your enthusiasm for reading is contagious. When your son sees adults engaged in reading, they are more likely to adopt the habit themselves. By making reading a cherished part of your family’s routine, you are setting your son on a path to academic success and a lifelong love of learning. With the upcoming holidays fast approaching, we encourage you and your son to view our book recommendations – happy reading!

For our final assembly of the Term, I would like to congratulate our BGM Award recipients for this week.

On a personal note, I would like to thank you again for all your support and continued interest in your son’s education throughout the term. I look forward to seeing you in Term 3, commencing Tuesday 16 July.

Enjoy the break!

Dr. Steven Males
Head of Preparatory School