CCGS World Edition


  • National Schools Network Group
  • CCGS Rowing Regatta
  • Paul Litherland
  • House Swimming Carnival
  • School Birthday

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Christ Church Grammar School Perth, Western Australia
  • National Schools Network Group
  • CCGS Rowing Regatta
  • Paul Litherland
  • House Swimming Carnival
  • School Birthday

Over the weekend, I travelled to Melbourne to meet with our National Schools Network Group – a collaborative forum that brings together eight like schools from across the country to discuss key issues shaping the education sector. A major focus of this year’s discussions was the role of AI in schools, a space where Christ Church has been at the forefront through our Centre for Pedagogy and Academic Resource Centre. Our approach is centred on equipping students and staff with the skills to harness AI as a tool to enhance their teaching and learning. Since the emergence of AI technologies like ChatGPT, our staff have been actively exploring innovative ways to integrate these tools into teaching practices and learning experiences.

On Saturday, the School hosted the CCGS Rowing Regatta, and I am thrilled with the outstanding performances from our crews. Of the twelve competing crews, nine finished on the podium, with our 9E’s, the 3rd VIII, and the 1st VIII securing victories – culminating in the 1st VIII claiming the Garth Wynne Trophy for the School. A highlight of the day was our 1st VIII racing aboard the recently christened Mark Morrissy – much to the delight of Mr Morrissy himself, who was cheering the team on from the sidelines. The CCGS Regatta is always a fantastic community event, bringing together families from across the PSA competition. A special thank you to the Don Fraser Club for their assistance with the event and their unwavering support of the School’s rowing program – our success would not be possible without them.

We were delighted to welcome cyber safety expert Paul Litherland to the School this week to speak with Year 4 to 8 students about safe and responsible online practices. Last night, we also welcomed around 70 parents to campus for an in-depth discussion with Paul, where he shared practical advice on supporting children in an increasingly online world. Paul visits the School annually as part of the Wynne Centre for Health and Wellbeing’s ongoing commitment to equipping our community with the knowledge and skills to promote positive digital behaviours. The School regularly invites leading experts to speak with students, staff, and families on a range of important topics, including mental health, resilience, leadership, and personal development. These opportunities provide our community with valuable perspectives and practical strategies to support the growth and wellbeing of the young men in our care.

On Tuesday evening, our Senior School House Swimming Carnival saw students competing to bring glory to their House. This much-anticipated event is always a highlight in the school calendar, showcasing not only the athletic talent of our students but also their House spirit. While the competition is friendly, it is undeniably fierce, with competitors pushing themselves to achieve their personal best. Each year, I am delighted by the records that continue to be broken, a testament to the dedication and hard work of our swimmers. Beyond the races, the evening was filled with camaraderie, sportsmanship, and a shared sense of pride. Congratulations to Queenslea House who took out the top spot.

This morning, we proudly celebrated the 115th birthday of Christ Church Grammar School – a significant milestone in our history. The celebrations began with a Service of Rededication at Christ Church Claremont, the place where our journey began under the vision of Canon William McClemans. This special service saw our Preparatory School class captains and Senior School prefects participate in prayers and readings, and the tradition of lighting the Torch of Learning. Following the service, the entire school gathered for a special assembly, where we were honoured to welcome The Right Reverend Bishop Hans Christiansen and the Chair of Council Chris Stavrianou as our distinguished guests. The assembly also provided an opportunity to recognise and celebrate staff members who have dedicated 15, 20 and 25 years of service to the School. It is always inspiring for our students to witness these milestones and appreciate the commitment of those who help shape their education and experiences. The School’s birthday is a moment to reflect on our proud legacy, honour the generations who have shaped our community, and look ahead with purpose as we continue our mission of educational excellence. Please click here for a gallery of images from the morning.

Throughout the term, we have welcomed families to campus for Sundowner events tailored to specific year groups. These gatherings play a vital role in keeping our community informed – not only about the School’s strategic direction but also about key operational updates and year-level news. Beyond that, they provide a wonderful opportunity for families to connect, catch up, and strengthen their ties within the Christ Church community in a relaxed social setting. This Sunday, 23 February we have the Year 7 Sundowner and on Sunday 23 March our Year 8 Sundowner will be held.

Alan Jones

Head of Senior School

  • House Swimming Carnival
  • Hygiene and COVID precautions
  • Study skills
  • Principal's Bike Ride 9 March

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Christ Church Grammar School Perth, Western Australia
  • House Swimming Carnival
  • Hygiene and COVID precautions
  • Study skills
  • Principal’s Bike Ride 9 March

On Tuesday evening we witnessed an exciting and keenly contested House Swimming Carnival. After 30 years, Queenslea claimed victory from Moyes and Romsey respectively. There was great competition in every event across the program. Notable performances included Sam Hicks from Hill, who broke the Year 12 backstroke record set in 1987, and Charlie Spencer from Moyes, who shattered the School Year 11 breaststroke record. On Monday night, the boys will be back in the pool for the QUADS Swim Meet, and we wish them the best of luck.

We are currently seeing an increase in cold, flu, and some COVID cases within the Senior School. As parents, I kindly ask that you encourage your son/s to take responsibility for their personal hygiene by regularly washing their hands, using the hand sanitiser provided by the School, and being mindful of physical contact during the school day. If your son/s experience any flu-like symptoms, please keep them home and test for COVID as a precaution.

This week, Year 11 and 12 students began their first round of significant assessments. These formative assessments will not only evaluate their understanding of key concepts but also their study skills. It is important that students recognise the difference between homework and study, and begin developing a structured study plan early on. Throughout their time in Senior School, study skill sessions have helped students understand these distinctions, and it may be a good time for them to discuss a planned approach to study with their House tutors.

On Sunday 9 March the annual Principal’s Bike Ride will take place. This community event is open to proficient biker riders aged 16 and over, with two route options: Canning Bridge or Mount Henry Bridge. After the ride, participants will gather on campus to enjoy a coffee and a delicious bacon and egg roll. For more details and to register, click here.

Upcoming Senior School Events

  • PSA Sport v Guildford – Friday 21 and Saturday 22 February
  • Year 7 PA Sundowner – Sunday 23 February, 5.30pm
  • Quads Swimming Meet – Monday 24 February, HPC Stadium, 6.00pm to 9.30pm
  • Mid Term Break (No School) – Friday 28 February and Monday 3 March
  • PSA Sport versus Aquinas – Friday 7 and Saturday 8 March
  • PSA Interschool Swimming – Thursday 13 March, HPC Stadium, 5.00pm
  • PSA Sport versus Trinity – Friday 14 and Saturday 15 March


Mark Morrissy
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School

Head of Preparatory School

  • Online safety
  • Personalised learning
  • Valuing Care and Compassion

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Christ Church Grammar School Perth, Western Australia
  • Online safety
  • Personalised learning
  • Valuing Care and Compassion

This week boys in Years 4 to 6 were fortunate to have Mr Paul Litherland present on online safety. Mr Litherland is an experienced presenter and was a police officer in the Technology Crime Investigation Unit. Key takeaways for the boys included being confident to report to parents or trusted adults if any online activity does not ‘feel right’ and that boys should feel confident in reporting any suspicious online activity to the eSafety Commissioner. A link to the eSafety site for parents can be found here.

The beginning of every year is always busy as we strive to understand the needs of our boys. Through our collection of data on existing boys and new boys, we are able to develop understandings on the needs of each cohort, class and individual. With our focus on personalised learning and being able to provide guidance to each boy, classes of learning support through our Learning Development Centre (LDC) and extension programs through our Centre for Excellence (CfE) have now commenced. Support is offered to boys who require access to evidence-based programs that will target aspects of their literacy or numeracy skills and understanding. It is important to note that boys accessing support through the LDC complete the same assessments as their peers within the cohort. Boys also receive in-class support with teachers differentiating their programs to ensure boys are working towards their learning goals.

The core value for Term 1 is Care and Compassion. Through the School Wide Positive Behaviour Support Framework, boys can earn points for their house by demonstrating this value in class and in the playground. The leading house is announced at each assembly and the boys are always excited to hear which house is in the lead and subsequently display the value during the week. The points earned each week contribute to the Values Cup, which is awarded to the winning house at the end of each term.

Dr. Steven Males
Head of Preparatory School