Drama students secure Theatre Sports championship Christ Church is committed to continuously expanding the opportunities for PSA students to interact beyond sport. One such opportunity on offer is PSA Theatre Sports, which aims to bring our senior performing arts students together for an energising and rewarding experience in a friendly competition. read more Christ Church celebrates Science Week This week the School has been celebrating National Science Week. This year's theme 'Innovation – powering future industries', has been incorporated into our activities, including a focus on the advancement in technology in all industries. read more Year 5 and 6 boys excel at World of Maths challenge Last week, Year 5 and 6 students participated in World of Maths - an interactive, travelling maths show tailored to children aged 5 to 15. read more Acclaimed children’s author and illustrator visits Kindy boys We were thrilled to welcome WA-based author and illustrator Gabriel Evans to our Preparatory Library this week. read more Christ Church celebrates NAIDOC Week This week the School has been celebrating NAIDOC Week, recognising the significant contribution our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students make to the Christ Church community. read more Students get hands dirty with City Beach Community Food Forest Year 10 Environment and Community (ENCOMM) students have been working with City Beach Community Forest Foods in recent months as part of their Cadet program. read more Jupp House boys embrace Kooringal adventure Throughout the week, Year 9 boys from Jupp House have been enjoying a diverse range of activities at Kooringal, the School's outdoor education campus located near Dwellingup. read more Preparatory School celebrates Asian culture The Preparatory School is celebrating Access Asia Week – an event that exposes boys to the diversity of Asian cultures around the world and within the Christ Church community. read more Boys raise funds during community Market Day Year 6 students held a Market Day on Wednesday this week to conclude the Endeavour Project, which they have been working on during the term. read more Pre-Primary boys perform for parents Earlier this week we held our second ever Pre-Primary Strings concert, with the boys showing off their cello and violin skills to an audience of their families. read more Christ Church community – Baptism and Confirmation Last night we held a service of baptism, confirmation, admission to holy communion and reception into communicant fellowship with 24 members of the Christ Church community taking part in the ceremony. read more Preparatory School raises over $16,000 for Camp Quality On Tuesday our Preparatory School boys participated in a Lapathon to raise funds for Camp Quality. read more Christ Church celebrates Gifted Awareness Week In recognition of Gifted Awareness Week, boys in the Preparatory School have been engaging in fun-filled activities. read more Award-winning author visits Preparatory School Pre-Primary students enjoyed a visit from award-winning Australian Children’s author Kirsty Murray last week. read more Pre-Primary to Year 2 boys have fun at Athletics Carnival On Tuesday morning our Pre-Primary to Year 2 boys gathered for the much-awaited Athletics Carnival. read more Kindy Mother’s Day breakfast To celebrate Mother's Day, our Kindy classroom was transformed into a relaxing beauty salon. read more AGWA Pulse Perspective features work of recent graduates Recently the Pulse Perspective at the The Art Gallery of Western Australia had it’s opening with Head of Art Pam Yordanoff and Art Teacher Jean-Marc Rivalland in attendance. read more Parents and guardians join Year 1 students in class Yesterday afternoon our Year 1 students were thrilled to welcome their parents and guardians into their classrooms to join them in some fun activities. read more Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day This week we celebrated Autism Awareness and Acceptance Day with all students and staff. Yesterday, the Preparatory School community were encouraged to wear a ‘multicoloured tie’ and the Senior School community wore multicolour socks. read more Camp Quality visit Preparatory School Boys Earlier this week our Preparatory School boys were treated to a performance from Camp Quality, who performed a fun, interactive show with the aim of creating a supportive community for kids impacted by cancer. read more Year 4 Cricketers swing for the fence Last week our boys competed their first inter-school carnival today, participating in the Year 4 Cricket Carnival at St Johns Wood Playing Fields. read more Swimming successes Last week students from across the School competed in the pool during the JPSSA and PSA Inters Swimming Carnivals. read more Year 1 boys and Shrove Tuesday This week our Year 1 boys learned how to make pancakes to mark Shrove Tuesday read more Pre-Primary Strings Program teaches boys the joy of music In 2023, every boy in Pre-Primary will choose to learn either the violin or the cello read more New families begin their Christ Church journey Last week we were delighted to be joined by new students and parents for the Orientation Day morning. read more Sons face off against Father/Significant other in the Summer Sports competition Last week we held our annual Years 5 and 6 Father/Significant other and son Summer Sports fixtures read more Preparatory School boys make a splash at Swimming Carnivals Yonga House are Preparatory School House Swimming Champions for the third year in a row after a great day of competition in the pool read more Students and teachers shave heads for a good cause Recently a group of our Preparatory School boys and teachers donned bibs and had their head shaved and hair sprayed as a part of the 2022 World's Greatest Shave, raising over $47,000 towards the Leukaemia Foundation. read more Enterprising Year 6 students start their own businesses 120 Year 6 students at Christ Church Grammar School sold products they have conceived and created yesterday as part of the School’s Endeavour Project Market Day read more Students lead Mental Health Week at Christ Church This week the Senior School Student Wellbeing Committee have organised a variety of activities to raise awareness of Mental Health Week read more