Boys flourish through reading Studies highlight the benefits of reading for children, including helping them to understand the world, enhance their comprehension skills and increase their level of intelligence. read more Year 4s uncover de Vlamingh’s historical journey This week our Year 4s welcomed an opportunity to visit Fremantle’s Shipwrecks Museum and explore a replica of the Duyfken, the first European ship ever known to map and record Australia’s coastal plains. read more Aquatics change rooms take on a refreshed look Special donors and guests were recently invited to campus for an exclusive viewing of the newly renovated change rooms in the School’s Aquatic Precinct. read more Year 6 Captains enjoy lunch with the Principal This week our Year 6 Captains had the opportunity to chat with Principal Alan Jones during an informal lunch in Sandover Dining Hall. read more Years 5 and 6 Speakers’ Challenge 2020 Fourteen impressive speeches were delivered in the Chapel recently as boys went head to head in the Speakers’ Challenge. read more ‘Big Brother’ launches in the Prep School Our Year 6s are enjoying their newest responsibility of looking out for their peers. Term 2 saw the... read more Cross Country and Badminton success – Round 1 of Winter Sport It’s been a quiet, yet positive start to this Winter season of PSA Sport with Christ Church celebrating two wins against Guildford Grammar School. read more Prep School boys embrace the new 1km running track Week 6 has commenced at a 'good pace' as boys from Years 2 to 6 run laps of the School’s one-kilometre running track to earn points for their respective Houses. read more Beyond earth – supernovas, space debris and orbiting satellites Over the first half of this term our Year 5 boys have been building on their knowledge of space. A recent opportunity allowed the boys to expand on that foundation and ask plenty of questions along the way. read more Brown Bear inspires teddy bears’ picnic To celebrate the end of their exploration of the children’s book 'We're Going on a Bear Hunt' by Michael Rosen our Pre-Primary boys recently hosted a Teddy Bears’ Picnic on the Walters Lawn. read more The impact of the digital age on your son At Christ Church Grammar School, we encourage a healthy and balanced approach to technology use. Part of our role as educators... read more Success at Kangourou sans Frontières Eleven of our boys are among the world’s brightest mathematicians in Years 5 and 6. read more Christ Church assemblies go virtual The first of our virtual assemblies kicked off last week with boys in the Senior School enjoying them in their tutorial rooms. read more Animal adaptations with a touch of technology Things have been getting a little freaky in the Preparatory School with our Year 5s working on 'Franken-Animals.' read more Remote learning – how have we done so far? Transitioning from face-to-face to remote learning comes with its challenges. Fortunately, the School was well placed to respond to the changing environment towards the end of Term 1. read more Hygiene a top priority for Term 2 It was a very clean start to the term, with boys and staff embracing new hygiene standards. read more Christ Church families receive tools for resilience Parents of Christ Church joined last week’s online webinar with leading Australian resilience and wellbeing expert, Dr Justin Coulson. read more Gifted Awareness Week 2020 Last week saw boys in the Preparatory School engage in a fun-filled week of Gifted Awareness Week activities. read more Storytelling tradition lives on in the ELC Boys in our Early Learning Community (ELC) welcomed a recent visit by Principal Alan Jones, a tradition which has become warmly embraced since commencing in 2019. read more West Coast Eagles inspire PMC boys Preparatory and Senior School boys from our Peter Moyes Centre (PMC) were 'flying high' this week following a special visit by players from the West Coast Eagles. read more Prep School swimmers take out JPSSA title Our junior swimmers put on a solid display at last week’s JPSSA Swimming Carnival, winning our first JPSSA Swimming title since 2017 after back-to-back top three finishes in 2018 (3rd) and 2019 (2nd). read more Earthkeepers explore the natural world Our first wave of Year 5s arrived to Kooringal this week for their much anticipated Earthkeepers experience. read more Overnight at the Perth Zoo Week 5 has certainly been ‘top of the charts’ for our Year 4s with an overnight stay and some extraordinary animal encounters at the Perth Zoo. read more Positive Parenting strategies As a parent, you play an important role as your son’s first teacher in the early years. Your involvement at home is critical... read more Wildlife rehabilitation + product development Things 'got wild’ for our Year 6s last Friday as they got up close to some friendly native animals as part of their latest Innovation Space project. read more Year 4 artists let their hands do the work Award winning Australian artist Andy Quilty was at Christ Church this week facilitating an interactive meet and greet workshop with our Year 4 Art classes. read more Preparatory School Term 1 leaders announced At their first assembly for 2020, the Term 1 Preparatory School Captains were announced and presented... read more Building good men in the Preparatory School “Good morning Dr Males,” greets Ari at the start of each school day before reciprocating a warm hand shake with the Head of the Preparatory School and heading straight for class. The daily routine... read more Christ Church winner at LEWA Awards Christ Church Grammar School’s new Preparatory School, which opened in 2019, was awarded the overall winner at the recent Learning Environments WA (LEWA) Awards. read more New boys and families receive a warm Christ Church welcome Christ Church was full of excitement last Friday with the welcoming of our 2020 students and parents at Orientation Day. read more