Students explore our State’s democracy
This week, our Year 8 Humanities students stepped into the heart of democracy with a visit to WA’s State Parliament. read more
Two Senior School students awarded GAWA Young Geographer of the Year
Last Friday, Fergus Khoo (Year 8) and Wesley Mairs (Year 10) were each awarded the GAWA Young Geographer of the Year for 2024. read more
Modern History students visit the Holocaust Institute of WA
Earlier this term, thirty Year 11 Modern History students travelled to the Holocaust Institute of WA to listen to a presentation and participate in a workshop. read more
Year 7 students soak up history and culture and WA Museum Boola Bardip
Throughout the week our Year 7 Humanities students have been visiting the WA Museum Boola Bardip to learn about local history as well as develop historical skills. read more
Old Boy and Sustainable Architect Richard Hassell (’83) speaks to Year 12 Geographers
The Year 12 Geography students recently enjoyed an online live Q&A session with a global leader in sustainable architecture, old boy Richard Hassell ('83), who “zoomed” into the class from Singapore. read more
Year 10 students study coastal areas during excursion
Last week the Year 10 Geography classes undertook a field study of the coastline at Point Peron, Port Coogee and Port Beach. read more
Year 10 students float their business ideas in the Shark Tank
This week some of our Year 10 students had the opportunity to pitch their business ideas to a panel of industry leaders in a Shark Tank project read more
Year 10 Humanities students and foreign political systems
Year 10 Humanities students were treated this week to a guest presentation from our very own Chinese teachers - Ms Baolin Zhou and Ms Yang Zhang read more
Christ Church boys excel during Model UN
Nine Year 11 boys participated in the 2022 PSA Model United Nations Debate on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, debating mock Security Council resolutions from the position of an assigned country. read more
Jeremiah Wang named Young Geographer of the Year
Jeremiah Wang (Year 10) was recently named the Geography Association of Western Australia's (GAWA) 2022 Young Geographer of the Year for his poster on Lake Monger and its environmental management. read more
Year 7s explore Ancient Greece
Our Year 7 Humanities students have discovered what life was like for some of the world's greatest civilisations. read more
Magellan Investor competition win
Finn Retallack has five-thousand reasons to celebrate... read more
Year 12 geography students embark on virtual field trip
Year 12 Geography students from Christ Church and Methodist Ladies’ College recently took part in a unique virtual fieldwork experience as part of their course on environmental change. read more
Year 12 students explore the ‘Philosophy of Science’
UWA lecturer in Philosophy, Dr Remco Heesen visited the School recently to speak with our Year 12 Philosophy and Ethics class on the 'Philosophy of Science.' read more
Perth surgeon speaks with Year 9 Humanities students
Year 9 Humanities students this week learnt about the landscapes, landforms, tourism and conservation of Antarctica. read more
Year 7s harness the winning spirit
As part of the Extension Humanities program students from Year 7 had the recent opportunity to visit the University of Western Australia's Classics and Ancient History Department. read more
Year 11s learn about the forces that have shaped today’s world
UWA lecturer and American History specialist Dr Ethan Blue was a guest at Christ Church this week, speaking to our Year 11 Modern History classes on a range of topics from the 19th and 20th Century. read more
Christ Church student to join Premier’s Anzac Student Tour
Year 11 student Tom McGrath has been selected from hundreds of applicants to represent Western Australia as an ANZAC student ambassador. read more
Year 7 boys take a trip back to Ancient Greece
As part of their Humanities course, our Year 7 boys have recently completed their study of Ancient Greece and included was an opportunity to create a display suitable for a museum. read more
Singapore Immersion Tour 2018
Thirteen boys from our Year 9 Humanities course enjoyed the tropical surrounds of Singapore during the school holidays. read more
Supreme Court experience
Our Year 8s visited Perth’s law courts this week as part of their study of Law in Humanities and The Francis Burt Law Education Program, entailing a full court hearing and participation in various legal education activities. read more
Christ Church boys meet Mark McGowan
Throughout this week, our Year 9 boys across different class groups have been participating in an excursion to the West Australian Parliament, Electoral Education Centre and the Constitutional Centre of WA as part of their Civics and Citizenship course. read more
Harry Nye plays the ASX sharemarket game and wins
Each year, Christ Church Grammar School enters a number of classes into the ASX’s Sharemarket Game as part of the Economics and Finance areas of Humanities, enabling boys to develop their knowledge of the sharemarket. read more
Over three tonnes of rescued food feeding Perth’s disadvantaged
Our Year 10 ENCOMM (Environment and Community Service) boys and other student volunteers were recently presented with certificates of appreciation by Food Rescue UnitingCare West. read more
Critical thinking put to the test
Over the past few weeks students from Christ Church and Penrhos College have been working in collaboration to explore the topics of Poverty and Inequality as part of Global Perspectives. This includes recent presentations of their work in the School’s ICT Centre. read more
World Scholar’s Cup 2017
Five of our Christ Church boys have made it through to the next global round of the World Scholar’s Cup, having competed in this year’s event. read more
A taste of the colonial court system
Boys studying Humanities in Year 8 paid a special visit to Perth’s law courts last week to experience a full court hearing process and participate in legal education activities. read more
Exploring the world of biomes at Perth Zoo
Year 9 boys visit Perth Zoo on Wednesday 15 February to explore the world of biomes. The boys spent time learning about and observing animals and vegetation across three different biomes which they recently have been studying; Australian hot desert, Asian rainforest and the African savannah. read more
First place for Christ Church Philosophy students
Jason Lu (Year 8) Joseph Bonadeo (Year 9) Lachlan Zhou (Year 10) and Alexander Lindsay (Year 11) proudly represented Christ Church in the annual Philosothon tournament, held at Perth College last Wednesday. read more
Students represent CCGS at the CCIWA’s Student Economic Forum
Year 12 students Ben Anderson, Devin He, Nicholas Pizzino and James Sier represented Christ Church at The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA’s Student Economic Forum last Friday. read more