Surfing success continues at Christ Church
The Christ Church surfing team had a very successful day at the Sunsmart WA School Surfing Titles at Leighton Beach last week. read more
Wolsey take out House Shout competition
Rock music from the ‘70s and ‘80s resonated from the School Chapel on Thursday morning, as the Senior School performed in their Countdown themed House Shout competition. read more
Students represent CCGS at the CCIWA’s Student Economic Forum
Year 12 students Ben Anderson, Devin He, Nicholas Pizzino and James Sier represented Christ Church at The Chamber of Commerce and Industry WA’s Student Economic Forum last Friday. read more
Tidelines boardshorts on display at the Indigenous student art exhibition
Thirteen boys from our Indigenous Student Program are looking forward to seeing their artwork displayed all over Perth’s beaches this summer after their unique paintings, inspired by stories from family Elders, were printed onto Ocean Zone boardshorts by local designer Reif Myers. read more
Success at the National da Vinci Decathlon in Sydney
Two teams of motivated and talented Christ Church boys recently attended the National da Vinci Decathlon at Knox Grammar in Sydney. read more
Year 12 Father/Friend and Son breakfast
‘Find and follow your passions,’ this was the message delivered to the Year 12 students at the Father and Son breakfast at the end of Term 2. read more
Career advice from Christ Church old boys
One hundred and thirty boys discussed their career aspirations with ‘young’ old boys at the fourth annual Year 12 Career Breakfasts held in the Old Boys’ Gallery last week. read more
Jonathan Doyle encourages our boys to be good men
Jonathan Doyle, author of Bridging the Gap: 8 Ideas to Improve Your Life, spoke with the Year 10 to 12 students this week, challenging them to think about what it means to be good men. read more
Christ Church win the Four Schools Chess Tournament
The 10-year anniversary of the Four (Northern) Schools Chess Tournament was held at Scotch College last Friday read more
ENCOMM students assist Friends of Lake Claremont
Christ Church is committed to building good men and by providing service activities, the School has the opportunity to broaden the boys’ perspective of the world and provide opportunities to make a difference in their community. read more
Time and Space for Mothers and Sons
There was a wonderful turnout at the Mothers and Sons ‘Time and Space’ event on Wednesday, as over 200 people gathered to discuss times of transition in our boys’ lives. read more
Brodie Albert represents CCGS at National Reconciliation Week event
Brodie Albert (Year 11), recipient of a Shell Indigenous Scholarship at Christ Church Grammar School, recently represented the School at an event to mark National Reconciliation Week, hosted by Shell. read more
Masts and mateship aboard the Leeuwin
The final voyage of Year 8 Leeuwin Adventurers’ returned home last week, after six days of hoisting sails, scrubbing decks, standing on the ‘yards’ and hanging in the rigging. read more
Year 9 Biomes excursion to the Perth Zoo
The Year 9 Geography students moved their classroom to the Perth Zoo on Wednesday, where they consolidated their learning about Biomes. read more
Year 7 students explore the ‘History of the World in 100 Objects’ exhibition
In Week 4, the Year 7 students were transported back in time when they viewed the ‘History of the World in 100 Objects’ exhibition at Perth Museum. read more
Junior and Open Chess Tournaments
During Week 4, Christ Church’s Junior and Open Chess Tournaments were contested over two gruelling nights of play. read more
2016 Federal Budget Breakfast
Following the release of Australia’s Federal Budget last week, eight Year 12 students were invited to attend the annual Federal Budget Breakfast. read more
A night to remember at the Year 12 Ball
The Year 12 boys had a night to remember on Saturday evening, as they celebrated their Year 12 School Ball. read more
Army Cadets supporting ANZAC
The CCGS Army Cadet Unit had a busy Anzac Day period supporting a number of community activities. read more
Year 9 STEM Challenge
Recently, a group of Year 9 students participated in a STEM Challenge at Hale School. read more
Christ Church boys ‘have sum fun’ winning State Mathematics Competition
Our Year 7 to 12 Christ Church mathematicians have shown their strength at this year’s Mathematics Association of WA’s Have Sum Fun competition. read more
Prefects push for Anglicare Street Connect
At the end of Term 1, Christ Church’s School Prefects and their peers pushed their way towards raising $4000 for the Anglicare Street Connect program. read more
Year 8 Father, Friend and Son Breakfast
On Tuesday 5 April, more than 300 guests gathered in the School Refectory for the Year 8 Father, Friend and Son Breakfast. read more
Two winning trophies following the da Vinci Decathlon
Over the past week, four teams from Years 7 to 10 competed in the Western Australian da Vinci Decathlon held at Wesley College. read more
Informatics success for Devin and Lumina
Informatics students Lumina Gajanayake (Year 11) and Devin He (Year 12) have been selected to attend the Australian Informatics Olympiad Committee Selection School at Macquarie University in Sydney from 11 to 20 April. read more
Cyber safety expert discusses the ‘public and permanent’ nature of the Internet
This week, cyber safety expert Susan McLean visited the boys from Years 3 to 10 to discuss the explosion of cyber technology and issues such as cyber bullying, harassment and ‘sexting.’ read more
Year 12 boys visit the Harry Perkins Institute
Last week, the Year 12 Biology students visited the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research to help them better understand how mutations can be identified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR), electrophoresis and gene sequencing. read more
Paul Dillon provides salient advice for our boys
‘If someone has taken an illegal drug and they are feeling unwell, don’t wait call 000.’ read more
Christ Church welcomes new families
The campus was abuzz on Friday as boys and parents arrived for the Preparatory and Year 7 (2016) Orientation Day. read more
Rock Workshop perform at premier live music venue
On Saturday 14 November, Rock Workshop had their final concert at Mojo’s, one of Perth’s premier live music venues. read more