Parents’ Association

The Parents’ Association (PA) was formed in May 1921 with the aim of supporting the greater school community while also providing an opportunity for parents to be more actively involved. Some 95 years on the aim is still the same, to unite and engage the school community to enhance our boys’ success.

The PA Committee consists of representatives from the Old Boys’ Association, Friends of the Walters Residential Community, the Preparatory School and a School Council nominee.

2024/25 Parents’ Association Office Bearers 
Chair Marika Auret
Vice-Chair Alex Harrington
Secretary Leanne Franco
Treasurer Nayha Hopkins
Parents’ Association Committee
Senior School Representative Erin Corner
Preparatory School Representative Catherine Sambrook
Sundowner Representative Tash Gibb
Boarder’s Representative Kerry Forsyth
General Committee Rachael Criddle
Kevin Kerr
Jen Wrigley
Sam Faithfull
Lara Harrison
Kate Somoff
Ex-Officio Positions
Principal Alan Jones
Director Communications & Engagement Joanne Wheeler
PA Support Co-ordinator Sarah Commander


If you would like to contact the Parents’ Association, please email


The PA meets on the second Wednesday of each month during term at 7.00pm in the Council room. All parents are members of the association and are welcomed and encouraged to attend.


Funding is derived annually from parent subscriptions, fees raffle and profits from both the Uniform Shop and Canteen. From these resources, the PA is committed to funding projects which will enhance the boys’ experiences at Christ Church while at the same time offering support to the parent body.

The fees raffle tickets are drawn once a term, and the winning family has the equivalent of one term’s Senior School fees credited to their account. Profit from the sold raffle tickets goes to the Parents’ Association and is put towards school projects that benefit the boys.

Parent name badges

Replacement name badges are $10 each. If parents would like to order an additional or replacement name badge, they may do so here.

Hosting a teenage party

The Parents’ Association would like to refer parents to Paul Dillon’s guidelines for hosting a teenage party. Please read these guidelines here.

Alcohol Position Statement

The PA has a position statement of recommendations and expert information related to the serving of alcohol at social events where students are present. Please refer to the statement here.