Published on: 17 November 2022

  • D&T Exhibition and prize-giving
  • Year 7 2023 Orientation Day
  • Venture departs

Congratulations to all our talented Design and Technology Students across Years 7 to 12, who currently have masterpieces on display in the School’s Design and Technology Building, especially to those who were awarded for their hard work and efforts. The exhibition opened last Friday night and is a testament to the quality of the D&T staff and their commitments along with the huge efforts of the boys to complete their stunning projects.

It will be an exciting end to the week, with orientation of the 2023 Year 7 boys taking place tomorrow. We strive to give our new Senior School boys a great start as they transition to Christ Church by introducing them to their Houses and their Head of House, as well as some of the Senior student leaders. The aim is to familiarise the boys with the school environment and give them plenty of opportunity to start building new friendships. It is always terrific to see the enthusiasm of our newcomers and how well our current boys help to encourage them to feel comfortable. All new Years 7 to 11 boys and parents will also have a more formal Orientation Day on Saturday 28 January 2023, just before school starts.

Our Boarders will also have their Orientation sleep-over night tomorrow night, where, with their parents they will experience a night in the Boarding House. I am sure the Boarding Community are looking forward to welcoming all our new Boarders for 2023.

Apart from our Orientation Day and the normal noise associated with a busy school, the Senior School has felt relatively quiet this week. The Years 11 and 12 boys are sitting their exams and our Year 10 students have been on Venture since Tuesday, leaving our Years 7 to 9 boys to enjoy more space than usual.

During the week I have received positive reports from our Outdoor Education team and I am delighted to hear that the boys and staff on Venture are all travelling very well and experiencing the full beauty of the Walpole wilderness.

  • Year 11 Exams Conclude – Wednesday 23 November
  • Year 10 Leadership Training – Monday 28 and Tuesday 29 November
  • Years 7 to 11 Final Prize-giving Assembly – Thursday 1 December (11.00am to 12.15pm)


Mark Morrissy
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School