Published on: 30 March 2023

  • Sport
  • School uniforms
  • Driving to School

As the final week of first term approaches, all boys in the Senior School can feel justifiably proud of what has been achieved across the academic and co-curricular domains throughout a very busy term.

No sooner have we packed away our boats and summer sporting gear than we see boys coming to school to start preparing for the Winter season that commences next term. In Term 2, our Inter-School Winter sport season commences, and I encourage all families to familiarise themselves with the School’s App with the weekly sporting fixtures. This app is updated on Monday and Tuesday each week as the exact venues and timings for PSA matches are finalised and upload. It is also a time to ensure that the sporting attire fits, or the new items have been purchased. Mouth guards are an item required for most winter sports. Please ensure your son has the required mouthguard for training and games.

Whilst on the subject of uniforms, it is also important to prepare for the change to the school winter uniform and the approaching cooler weather. The winter uniform requires a belt and the blazer. It is recommended that a school jumper is purchased to provide boys with an alternative, warm outer garment, in addition to the blazer. The school tracksuit top is only part of the sports uniform and in not to be worn with the normal school uniform.

I just want to remind parents of Year 11 and 12 students of the Student Code of Conduct when it comes to registering their son for driving to school. All students who drive to school and school events, like sports training, need to be registered with the School. This requires the completion of an online ‘Application to drive a vehicle to school’ form by a boy’s parent/s. This form is found on Parent Nexus and parents need to complete this form in consultation with their son who drives to school. This includes the details of the vehicle/s that might be driven, and any passengers/friends they might transport to and from school.

Upcoming Senior School Events

  • Year 12 School Ball – Friday 31 March at 7.00pm
  • Year 8 PA Sundowner Sunday 2 April at 5.30pm
  • Year 9 Parent Teacher Student Interviews (online) – Monday 3 April 3.45pm to 7.00pm


Mark Morrissy
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior School