Published on: 20 June 2024

  • Ellington Jazz Night
  • House Teams Carnival
  • Scotch derby fixture

On Monday evening, we were treated to some wonderful jazz performances at the Ellington Jazz Club. Fifty of our jazz students embraced the venue’s mood and entertained a captivated full house under the guidance of our jazz masters, Oli Taylor and James Chapman, with John McPherson doing an extraordinary job as MC. The Music department caps off the week with Rock at Rosemount this Sunday afternoon which promises to be a fabulous afternoon as always.

Last week we concluded the House Arts competitions with Moyes sitting on top of the leaderboard by one point ahead of Queenslea in the Beatty Cup. The House Teams Carnival will take place next Thursday afternoon, and I would like to take the opportunity to remind students to wear their House shirts and if they are playing AFL, to ensure they remember their mouthguard. We look forward to a fun-filled afternoon of inter-house rivalry.

This weekend’s sporting fixture against Scotch is the second of its kind for the season. The derby fixture is always a great day out and after strong wins in Badminton, Cross Country, Hockey and Soccer last week against Aquinas, the boys will be looking to repeat their success this week. I will be dusting off my coaching board to help the Christ Church old boys including old boy and current staff member, Alastair Black, take on Scotch collegians in the AFL 9s match at 11.40am on Giles Oval, Mt Claremont Playing Fields. Good luck to all teams this weekend.

Next Wednesday at lunchtime 19 School Prefects and two staff will be taking part in the World’s Greatest Shave to raise funds for the Leukaemia Foundation to help fight blood cancer. If you would like to donate to this cause please follow the link here.

Upcoming Senior School Events

  • PSA Sport vs Scotch – Friday 21 and Saturday 22 June
  • Rock at Rosemount – Sunday 23 June at 12.00pm to 3.30pm
  • House Teams Carnival – Thursday 27 June
  • End of Term 2 – Friday 28 June at 12.45pm

Mark Morrissy
Deputy Principal/Head of Senior School