Published on: 17 October 2019

  • Attendance terminal  – boys sign in/sign out
  • 50 year reunion
  • Year 12 students  – week commencing 21 October 

We would like to remind all parents that we now have three attendance terminals, with the main terminal located in the CLC near the Studies Office. Should a Senior School student arrive to school late or return from an appointment, or need to leave the campus early for any reason, they must sign out/sign in at this terminal. This sign in/out is verified by the texts or emails sent to the Absentee line ( prior to your son leaving or arriving at school. This system allows a real time recording of your son’s attendance to ensure our attendance records are accurate. We welcome your support with encouraging the use of the terminals.

Last week we had the pleasure of hosting the 50 year school reunion. It is something very special to see that after 50 years three quarters of the class of 1969 gathered to celebrate both their school and the connection that still exists between them. I was honoured to hear stories of their time at school as we toured the school and celebrated over a lunch.

Next week is a special week for our Year 12 students. They will have opportunities on Tuesday and Thursday next week to celebrate what they have achieved thus far as a cohort. They continue to be a dedicated and disciplined cohort that have been an inspiration to the younger students. There will be an extended house/tutorial period on Tuesday, allowing all boys within each house to farewell our Year 12s and wish them well for their upcoming examinations.

Simon Angus
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior School