Published on: 22 November 2018

  • Orientation Day
  • OBA Sundowner
  • Return from Venture
  • Australia Mathematics Trust Awards

Last Friday we had welcomed all of our new boys for 2019 to the School’s Orientation Day. Although it was a particularly warm day, everyone enjoyed themselves and the boys new to the School met their Heads of House, prospective classmates, and had time to walk around the grounds and acclimatise themselves with the campus.

Tonight I will be attending the Old Boys’ Association Sundowner where soon to retire Deputy Principal, Roger Bayly will be recognised by the OBA. Being named an Honorary Life Member is special and recognises the significant contribution Roger has made to the School and the OBA during his 31 years at Christ Church.

Tomorrow afternoon our Year 10 boys will return from Venture, a signature component of our Outdoor Education Program. At every old boy reunion I attend, Venture is one of those memorable experiences that all the boys remark on, and no doubt as this year’s cohort mature and become men, they will with time come to cherish the memories from Venture with their mates.

Last night at UWA, Christ Church was front and centre at the Australian Mathematics Trust Awards. Year 12 William Hu was awarded Best in State for Year 12 students and was nominated for the 2018 AMT Inspiring Student Award. William is incredibly humble and has contributed so much to the School, constantly encouraging his colleagues to participate and assisting them at every opportunity. Jeremiah Wang was announced as an AMC High Achiever, and Joshua Chen was named Best in State for Year 8 students and was recognised for being one of only 2 medal recipients in WA.  To top off a great night, we were announced as the Champion School for 2018, in recognition of being a school that fosters the passion of learning and enjoying mathematics/algorithmics and one that demonstrates commitment to motivating students learning through competitions and enrichment resources. This is such fitting recognition of the calibre of our teachers and the dedication of our boys. Congratulations to all Mathematics teachers at the School and all of the boys who were recognised on the night.

Alan Jones