Published on: 4 April 2019

  • School drop off
  • Scholarship testing
  • PSA premiership wins
  • Year 6 Canberra tour
  • Refreshed Code of Conduct

Safety in and around the School is a priority. For most of the term parents have been correctly using the designated drop off/pick up loop and not the car park but of late this has changed and we are very concerned about the safety of the boys. Can I please ask parents to use the drop off zone to ensure the safety of all concerned and allow traffic to flow in the car park. MLC will be conveying the same message to parents who use the Christ Church campus in the morning and afternoon.

Last Saturday morning I welcomed over 110 boys and their parents to the Scholarship testing which we run every year, I then headed out to watch a number of sports. This term we will secure the PSA premiership for Rowing, Tennis, Swimming and Water Polo – more on this here. Winter sport is looking equally as promising. A big thank you to the dedicated and talented sports teachers, coaches and all the staff involved who really bring out the best in the boys.

Next week our Year 6 boys head to Canberra. This is always a very exciting time for all those travelling and for our boys who will participate in a number of excursions and presentations, gain a deeper understanding of how we are governed and our Australian identity. Considering the current political climate this is a very exciting time to tour the National Capital.

Next term the School will launch a refreshed Code of Conduct for Senior School students, and it will be the first time that there will be a Code for our Early Learning Community and Preparatory School. I look forward to sharing these with you in the coming weeks.

Alan Jones