Published on: 27 June 2019

  • Ellington Jazz night
  • Year 12 Father/Friend and Son Breakfast
  • Student reports

The Ellington Jazz Club is a favourite destination for our Music students this time of the year as they have the opportunity to experience playing in an authentic Jazz club. On Monday night our Jazz students entertained a full house of appreciative parents and friends with Stephanie Balfour doing a fabulous job as MC and Paul Millard partnering with our musicians to deliver some absolutely amazing music. You can see the gallery of photos here.

Tomorrow morning approximately 200 Year 12 boys and fathers will be treated to an engaging and thought provoking talk from Jonathan Doyle at the Father and Son breakfast, organised by the Parents’ Association. Jonathan Doyle is the author of Bridging the Gap, and is a regular visitor to the School, addressing the boys in Years 10 to 12 on how to be extraordinary men. Jonathan’s personality and direct presentation style engages easily with cohorts as he challenges boys to make the most of their lives. He emphasises the need to speak candidly about the nature of one’s identity and specifies areas that men need to work on to ensure a healthy transition to manhood. He will leave the boys with insights and strategies to consider, as well as identifying the significance of individual choice in how they will be defined moving forward in their lives.

As the holidays approach it is right to acknowledge all within the community for what has been an exceptional term for the School. So much has been achieved in so many areas. Much of this effort will be revealed in upcoming student reports. I wish to thank staff for all of their work in preparing the reports that will add insights gained through parent-teacher evenings throughout the first half of the year.

This is the final CCGS World for Term 2 and I would like to wish everyone a relaxing and safe break with family and friends.

Alan Jones