Published on: 5 June 2020

  • Easing of restrictions from Monday 8 June
  • Semester 1 reports
  • Return of PSA and JPSSA sport next week
  • National Reconciliation Week
  • Year 8 Cape to Cave experience

We have had a great start to the second half of Term 2 with the further easing of restrictions commencing on Monday 8 June. This means that we can welcome parents back on campus for drop off and pick up only. Our playgrounds will be available for the boys to enjoy and we can start to bring larger groups of boys together for meetings and assemblies. Social distancing still applies and we thank parents in advance for not gathering on campus.

The impact to students’ learning due to COVID is being felt around the globe. For our boys, the loss of minimal days of face-to-face learning means that we have maintained delivery of our academic program and continued to have the boys sit and complete associated assessments. For Years 7 to 12 we are currently planning for parent / tutor meetings in Term 3, a time to reflect on your son’s goals and discuss his first semester report. Reports for all Preparatory School students will be available for parents at the conclusion of Term 2 and will provide an insight into your son’s progress for the first half of 2020.

Due to the nature of the different PSA sports played in the winter season, the starting dates to resume sport will be staggered. This Saturday our first teams Cross Country and Badminton will commence. On Friday 12 June all Years 7 to 9 will commence sport in a modified format. On Saturday 13 June Years 10 to 12 sport will commence with first and seconds Badminton, Hockey, Soccer and Cross Country. On 19 and 20 June all teams will be involved in scratch matches. On 26 and 27 June all Senior School will play fixtures against Wesley . It will be imperative that all senior boys attend the designated training commencing next week to prepare them for their games.  Next Thursday 11 June will see the return of contact sport for the Preparatory School (JPSSA) with modifications and multi-sports will also commence on campus.  Please note: Until the end of Term 2 spectators will be limited to immediate family and the 1.5 metres social distancing is applicable.

Every year we celebrate National Reconciliation Week, and on Tuesday we commenced our School Council meeting with a prayer titled A spiritual Understanding of Diversity. To mark the occasion, our boys have been creating a beautiful mural representing the Swan River (Derbarl Yerrigan), local wildlife and the six Noongar seasons and you can read more about this here.

On Wednesday we launched a new Outdoor Education experience with sister school, St Hilda’s Anglican School for Girls. The Cape to Cave is a five day journey for all Year 8 boys and girls in the iconic south-west. The experience fits into our sequential outdoor education program, providing the opportunity for all students to build and develop relationships, communication and interpersonal skills in a non-competitive environment. It will see the boys and girls cooking, walking and camping and is great preparation for the Year 9 OQD program and Year 10 Venture.

We understand that there will be some disappointment about missing the Leeuwin experience. Leeuwin Ocean Adventures are still keen to take members of our community on the water for day and short term sails. Leeuwin bookings and pricing can be found here.

Alan Jones