Published on: 27 August 2020

  • New outdoor gym
  • Year 9 OQD program
  • Father/Significant Male and Son Breakfast 
  • Annual MMG Survey

Every year the Parents’ Association generously provide the School with financial assistance for various projects. This year we are in the early stages of scoping an outdoor gym. The footprint for the gym will be close to the Aquatic Precinct and the outdoor fitness equipment will be selected to meet the specific developmental needs of boys from Pre-Kindergarten to Year 12. The School is very clear about its continued delivery of an holistic education for all boys and this space which will form part of timetabled lessons, tapping into the benefits of keeping boys active which includes brain development, improving moods, enhancing self-esteem and developing motor skills.

This year we have made it a priority to redesign many of our offerings and experiences in order for the boys to have the experience during Covid-19 times. An example has been the redesign of the Year 9 OQD program. Since its inception this program has been highly successful and the redesign has made it possible for us to plan for all Year 9 boys to attend in 2020 – even though we lost a significant chunk of the year due to social distancing restrictions. Staying true to the rites of passage framework, this program maintains the significant family connection activities and all of the original program content by having two school days dedicated entirely to the program. The feedback from the boys and families that have recently participated has been excellent:

It was a privilege to be involved, I loved listening to all the boys and what they had learnt, and you have obviously been able to touch on really sensitive topics in a very safe way, which is so fantastic. It was also lovely to meet the mums and hear their stories – a great bonding experience.
So thank you to you and all your staff. An absolutely brilliant program!

OQD was an experience that will stay with me forever. This program encouraged me and my peers to push ourselves out of our comfort zones through various challenges and activities, towards an end goal of helping us to properly begin our journey towards manhood. Along the way we developed life skills and learnt more about ourselves and one another as our group bonded. We all took a lot away from this amazing program and I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate in it. Tom Offer Year 9

Throughout the year we host a number of transition events and activities specifically designed for the parents and boys moving from Year 6 to Senior School. These include presentations on Senior School subjects, co-curricular activities and sport, interviews with boys and parents, an Orientation Day and visits by our Senior School boys to the Year 6 classrooms. As part of the Transition Program next Thursday, 3 September we are hosting the Father/Significant Male and Son Breakfast which will be held in Sandover. See here for more details and to register attendance. We are also hosting tours of the Senior School for our current Year 6 families on 4 September and on the morning of Orientation Day, 20 November.

The School’s annual MMG survey commenced a couple of weeks ago and this Friday a reminder email from MMG will go to parents of our Year 3, 6, 9 and 12 students. The survey is comprehensive, and does not need to be completed in one sitting. I encourage parents to participate and openly express opinions. Feedback from past MMG surveys has been invaluable in assisting the School with decision making and continuous improvement.

Alan Jones