Published on: 14 September 2023

  • Trial Exams
  • Parents’ Association AGM
  • OBA Annual Lunch
  • Year 6 Sundowner
  • PSA sport

This week our Year 12 students started their Trial Exams in preparation for the ATAR examinations commencing 30 October. These exams are vital for nurturing exam skills, and the teachers are ready to assist with identifying whether students have a lack of knowledge, loss of focus or could benefit from improving their time management.

This week the Parents’ Association (PA) held their AGM. We are very fortunate to have an engaged community and I look forward to working closely with this team of very capable people throughout the year. Our PA was established in 1921 and supports the School in many ways, hosting Sundowners for year groups, working with the School to offer grants, contributing financially to major projects, and supporting our staff in many ways including annual lunches to acknowledge the contributions they make on a daily basis.

Tomorrow is an exciting day for our alumni with the Old Boys’ Annual Lunch at the Claremont Football Club. Alum Marcus Canning, founding partner of the Fringe World Festival and current Director at the Rechabite, is the guest speaker and with over 100 old boys attending it will be a fabulous event.

On Sunday I am looking forward to seeing our Year 6 parents at the Sundowner when we will hear about the upcoming tour to Canberra. This tour hasn’t run since 2019 and it will be great to see the students and teachers travelling to the capital city of Australia. Students will participate in a range of activities with a focus on federal government and national perspectives on Australia.

PSA sport has concluded and I am delighted to share the news that Christ Church has finished the 2023 sporting year with the most number of PSA cups won in a competition year. Cups won were in Cricket, Water Polo, Badminton, Cross Country and Surfing. Congratulations to our students, staff, coaches and parents who all contributed towards this fantastic achievement. A favourite quote of mine from Michael Jordan is “talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence win championships.”

As the Walters Boarding House upgrade nears completion, the pathway between Walters Boarding House and Methodist Ladies’ College has reopened for foot traffic. Students are asked to use the pathway to travel between the Christ Church and MLC campuses.

Alan Jones