Published on: 21 June 2023

  • Excellence in the Arts
  • Expert in Residence – Paddy Upton

As we approach the end of Term 2 we are spoilt with the number of great events.

Monday night was a fabulous night of music at The Ellington Jazz Club. The Jazz ensembles played incredibly well and the atmosphere with parents and siblings enjoying the musicianship was very special. You can see photos from the night here. This Sunday we have Rock at Rosemount commencing at midday. This is always a fun afternoon with some great rock and roll. You can buy a ticket online here or with cash at the door, so please come along if you can. Next Tuesday night the Preparatory School will be holding its Winter Concert in the Chapel from 6.00pm. The majority of Prep Ensembles and groups will be playing at this event, so we encourage you to attend. All of our music events are a great way for students who are thinking about playing an instrument to see what is possible in the Music Program, so if you have a son who would like to become involved in music, this is a fantastic opportunity. We also ask prospective parents who have a son considering music to come along to enjoy the productions, as this is a great experience for incoming boys.

Following the School’s tradition of bringing world class speakers to Perth, on Tuesday we welcomed Melinda Tankard Reist who had a conversation with the community and students in Years 10 to 12. Melinda is known for her work addressing sexualisation, objectification, harms of pornography and sexual exploitation. You can view the presentation here. She has a number of parent resources and more information on her website that you can access here.

Last night A Midsummer Night’s Dream opened at the Subiaco Arts Centre. The Midnite Youth Theatre Company delivered a magical, reimagined version of Shakespeare’s wonderful play and it was very exciting to partner this production with music by Perth band, and Christ Church students, Dune Cartel. This production is on for the next two nights and you can buy tickets here.

We have a big week to finish off the term with Paddy Upton joining us as our Expert in Residence. Paddy is a high performance coach having worked as the assistant coach of the Indian cricket team, click here to read more. He will be with the boys throughout the week and will also host a free community event on Thursday night 29 June if you would like to attend and bring friends along, you can RSVP here. Hosting an Expert in Residence allows students across the School to have quality time with a recognised talent. We are very excited to have Paddy with us and to learn from his experiences, especially about adopting a holistic and healthy approach towards high performance.

Have a great weekend and I hope to see you at the Scotch fixtures on Friday and Saturday. Go Church!

Alan Jones