Published on: 27 June 2024

  • Reading as an essential skill
  • Book recommendations
  • BGM Awards

Reading is an essential skill that plays a pivotal role in your son’s educational journey and overall development. Across the Preparatory School, we emphasise the importance of reading, not just as a classroom activity, but as a lifelong habit that can shape your son’s future in remarkable ways. It is widely recognised that reading enhances cognitive development. When engaging with books, your son is exposed to new ideas, concepts, and knowledge, which stimulates his brain and helps build his vocabulary. This exposure is crucial during the formative years when their brains are rapidly developing. Reading also helps to improve concentration and discipline. Sitting down with a book requires focus and patience, skills that are beneficial across all areas of learning. By setting aside regular reading time, boys quickly learn to concentrate for longer periods, which can positively impact their academic performance.

Moreover, reading fosters empathy and emotional intelligence. Through stories, our students experience different perspectives and emotions, helping them to better understand and relate to others. Book characters can become role models, teaching valuable life lessons and encouraging positive behaviour. Creativity and imagination are also nurtured through reading. As children visualise the scenes and characters described in books, they expand their creative thinking and problem-solving skills. This imaginative exploration is not only fun but also crucial for cognitive flexibility and innovation.

To support your son’s reading journey, we encourage you to create a reading-friendly environment at home that may include setting up a cozy reading nook. You are most welcome to visit the Preparatory School Library and let your son choose books that interest them. Reading together as a family can also be a delightful bonding activity, showing your son that you value and enjoy reading. Lastly, remember that your enthusiasm for reading is contagious. When your son sees adults engaged in reading, they are more likely to adopt the habit themselves. By making reading a cherished part of your family’s routine, you are setting your son on a path to academic success and a lifelong love of learning. With the upcoming holidays fast approaching, we encourage you and your son to view our book recommendations – happy reading!

For our final assembly of the Term, I would like to congratulate our BGM Award recipients for this week.

On a personal note, I would like to thank you again for all your support and continued interest in your son’s education throughout the term. I look forward to seeing you in Term 3, commencing Tuesday 16 July.

Enjoy the break!

Dr. Steven Males
Head of Preparatory School