Published on: 23 February 2022

  • Parent/Teacher interviews
  • Parent Series presentation

Parent/Teacher interviews will commence in the coming weeks, which is an ideal opportunity to share with your son’s teacher, information about his transition into his new class and hear about his progress. Further information about parent interviews will be sent out to all families today where bookings can be made through Nexus.

Kate Atkinson, one of our School Psychologists, has prepared a presentation titled ‘Raising Emotionally Resilient Boys’ as part of the School’s Parent Series. Through this presentation, parents will gain insights into how to help your son manage their emotions and develop skills so they can cope with disappointment and stressful situations. Kate will cover emotional resilience, why emotional resilience is important, how parents can support their son to recognise and express their emotions in appropriate ways and deal with negative feelings. Please click here if you would like to view this informative presentation.

Each year boys in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 are required to complete the NAPLAN Assessments which assess literacy and numeracy skills learnt through the Australian School Curriculum. Boys in the Preparatory School will be completing their NAPLAN Assessments from Tuesday 10 May. In 2022 all boys will be required to complete their assessments online except for writing in Year 3, which is to be completed on paper. Boys will be required to complete assessments in writing, reading, language conventions (spelling, punctuation and grammar) and numeracy. A link to information for parents can be accessed here. The best way you can help your child prepare for NAPLAN is to reassure them that NAPLAN tests are just one part of their school program, and to advise them to simply do the best they can on the day. Christ Church Grammar School teachers use the information from such standardised tests to assist in developing literacy and numeracy plans to best support your son with his learning.

Boys participating in the JPSSA sports fixtures are reminded to wear mouthguards for all basketball games in Term 1.

Dr. Steven Males
Head of Preparatory School