Published on: 13 July 2017

Welcome back. I hope that all members of our school community have had a relaxing and revitalising holiday period.

During the break many of our boys enjoyed tours locally and overseas. There was a ski trip, the Broome fishing trip, AFL tours and the Mathematics World Contest in Hong Kong, and I would like to thank our enthusiastic and dedicated staff for giving their time and energy to ensure these tours all went to plan.

Our old boys conducted their centenary event on 1 July, welcoming over 480 old boys to the School to celebrate with a Chapel service, a walk through the Old Boys’ Gallery to enjoy the OBA timeline and a wonderful dinner. I am sure the next 6 months will be just as exciting as we lead up to the OBA AGM and the delivery of a number of reunions, including a fifty-year reunion for the ‘boys of 1967’.

In August the School will be hosting a free screening of Screenagers. This award-winning documentary probes the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director’s own, and depicts messy struggles over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists, solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world. Screenagers successfully explores the impact of the digital age on children and how to help families minimize harmful effects as we strive for that important balance. Click here if you are interested in attending.

Term 3 is a busy and exciting one, and we look forward to welcoming all the boys back next Tuesday.

Alan Jones