Published on: 22 February 2018


Firstly, I would like to convey my thanks to all boys for performing so well over the first four weeks of term. In particular, those students who have assisted all new boys with finding their way around our very busy campus.

We encourage boys and parents to follow CCGS Sport on Twitter as a great way to keep informed of sporting live results, cancellations, changes and upcoming events. It was particularly good on the evening of the House Swimming Carnival when we were able to provide a live stream of the swimming carnival for families who could not attend. I encourage everyone on Twitter to become followers, as there are some fabulous shots posted of the boys preparing and performing well at sport and generally enjoying themselves in all that the School has to offer.

The benefits of physical activity are endless and there are many reasons why parents should encourage their son(s) to stay active. One of the latest articles featured on our Building Good Men blog explores this topic in more detail.

Today we commenced another component of the Beatty Cup competition, the House Arts, where boys revealed their talents in public speaking, chess or debating. These activities provide a valuable opportunity for boys from all year levels to both witness and participate in pastimes that can be used and enjoyed throughout their lives.

As we move towards the mid-term break, I would like to encourage parents of day students to consider how they might help support boys in the Residential Community in socialising. There are often community-based sporting activities our boarders participate in and if you can assist them with transportation to events or social activities, they would be most grateful. Similarly, if your son is building a friendship with a boarder, please consider providing them with a family experience with you over a weekend. If you are uncertain of how to approach this, please give our Director of the Residential Community, Brad Downing a call on 9442 1633.

Roger Bayly
Deputy Principal
Head of Senior School