Urban Boarding
We understand that some busy working families need assistance and that students benefit from more structure in their lives from time to time. With this in mind, the School offers Urban Boarding, with two boarding options offered:
- Day Boarding – catering for students from Years 7 to 12, from 3.05pm until 8.00pm from Monday to Thursday.
- Short Term Boarding – catering for students from Years 7 to 12, providing short term stays in the boarding house for a minimum of five consecutive school days.
Benefits of Urban Boarding
- Academic supervision and tutoring – boarding Year Group Co-ordinators supervise the students and provide assistance with school work. Tutors are also on hand to assist in certain subject areas.
- Meals – all meals are provided by Chartwells. Their focus is on fresh, nutritious food created in consultation with a dietitian. Plenty of healthy options are provided daily. Dietary requirements can be catered for.
- Facilities – the boys will have access to a full gymnasium and weights room, a 50-metre pool, and a wide range of sporting facilities including pool and table tennis tables. There are also study areas and other common areas where the boys can socialise and interact.
- Senior School library (Years 7 and 8) – the library caters for boys’ recreational and curriculum needs. It is an exciting space offering boys a wide range of learning environments – formal and informal, among peers or in a quiet corner alone.
Urban Boarding fee
Urban Boarding bookings are accepted in blocks for the entire term. For example, if you select Term 3 Monday and Tuesday, it is a two-day booking for the entire term.
- $90.00 per day for Day Boarding
- $170.00 per night for Short Term Boarding
Please follow the link below for bookings.
Applying for Urban Boarding
To ensure the safety and care of all students, an application form must be completed and submitted for Urban Boarding and will include reference to:
- A current student Health Record
- Dietary requirements
- Behaviour expectations
- Days requested
- Payment arrangements