Terms and Conditions of Enrolment

  1. The Parent/Guardian/Carer (Parents) or person(s) responsible for payment of fees shall pay Christ Church Grammar School Incorporated (the School) such fees and charges for the education and maintenance of, and for the supply of goods and services to, their son (the student) as determined by the School Council from time to time.
  2. By signing the Offer Acceptance form, parents have agreed to be jointly and severally liable for all fees, interest, charges and other payments. Any request to vary this agreement must be made in writing and is at the School’s discretion.
  3. Fees are payable prior to the first day of the term or semester to which they relate. Other charges are payable on demand and may be subject to alteration from time to time without notice. The Principal may refuse permission for the applicant to re-enter the School if any fees or charges for any preceding term remain outstanding.
  4. The Principal and/or Admissions Registrar must receive one term’s notice in writing prior to the withdrawal of a student from the School, or one term’s tuition fees will be charged. If, after paying the enrolment fee but prior to starting at the School, a student is withdrawn from the School, notice must be received in writing by the Admissions Registrar at least one complete term in advance. Example: for a student due to commence at the beginning of Term 1, notice must be provided by the end of Term 3 of the previous year. In addition, boarders, either leaving the School or moving out of boarding, require one semester’s notice or one term’s boarding fees will be charged. Please note, the change from a boarding student to a day student is at the discretion of the Principal and only possible if availability of a day student position exists.
  5. The School reserves the right to discipline, suspend or expel the student at any time if his behaviour is considered by the Principal to be unacceptable.
  6. Parents will make good any damage to school property or equipment caused by their son.
  7. The School accepts no liability for personal property brought to school by their son.
  8. Parents are responsible for ensuring the punctual attendance of their son at the beginning of each term and for his punctual return after any period of leave.
  9. Parents must notify the School if their son is to be absent from school for any reason and indicate the period of time he will be absent.
  10. The School requests that students reside with their parent(s)/carer or appropriate guardian. Parent(s)/carers or guardians must notify the School of any changes to living arrangements.
  11. The student must wear the appropriate school uniform in good and clean condition and in such a way as to show pride in being identified with the School.
  12. We have read and support the School values and are aligned in achieving the School mission.
  13. All students are bound by rules and regulations as may from time to time be issued by the Principal for the conduct of the School. Parents agree to ensure that their son obeys these rules and regulations.
  14. The student is required to participate fully in the School’s sporting, physical education and outdoor education programs. This includes, but is not limited to, residential camps at the Kooringal campus and other compulsory camps and expeditions. Exemptions are permitted only if the Principal has received relevant medical advice and/or doctor’s certificate.
  15. The parent(s) have read, and understood, the Privacy Policy available on the school website. School policies are available on our website here.
  16. The School Education Act (1999) requires parents to provide,” details of any condition of the enrolee that may call for special steps to be taken for the benefit or protection of the enrolee or other persons in the school” (16G). This includes specific details, reports and information on any medical issues; psychometric testing; cognitive; mobility; vision/hearing; behaviour management; mental health issues; speech and communication and any current court orders including restraining orders. Failure to disclose such information may jeopardise the applicant’s enrolment at the School. Details of special funding or services, which the applicant may receive from an external agency, should be included.
  17. It is the responsibility of the parent(s) to read the school policies and to advise and update the School of any changes in their son’s health or development, as well as any changes to court orders, family circumstances or contact details.