The ELC Program

Our programs are based on research which shows that young children learn best when they are actively involved in tasks, when there is rich discussion about what they are doing and when there are regular opportunities to work with others. We recognise that our boys are capable and competent learners who need space, time and opportunity to explore, experiment, take risks and build their dispositions for learning.

Our programs are guided by a number of documents including the;

  • Early Years Learning Framework
  • National Quality Standards
  • Western Australian Kindergarten Curriculum Guidelines
  • Western Australian Curriculum (Pre-Primary to Year 2)

We also place importance on providing a rich and vibrant learning program for boys and access to specialist programs and teaching in:

  • Art
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • Mandarin
  • Library
  • Innovation (from Year 1)
  • Drama/Dance (from Pre-Primary)

Program Options

Our Early Learning Community provides places for boys to begin their Christ Church Journey in Pre-Kindergarten to Year 2. Boys born on or before June 30 in a given year are able to start Pre-Kindergarten on or after their third birthday. Boys born on or after 1 July in a given year will commence in Term 1 of the subsequent year after they have turned 3 years old.

While many boys are ready to begin their full-time learning journey, others need a flexible approach. In recognition of this our Pre-Kindergarten program is offered as a two, three, four or five-day program.


Western Australia has immunisation laws and your adherence to them is a condition of enrolment. Please refer to the Government information here.