Phases of Learning
Years 7 to 8 – Exploring his abilities
At Christ Church, we introduce boys to a wide range of academic, extra-curricular and pastoral experiences and encourage them to make the most of all opportunities. Students are engaged in structured learning in numeracy, literacy, Humanities and Science.
During this phase, activities such as Languages, the Arts, Design and Technology, Personal and Spiritual Development (PSD) and Sport provide a diverse and well-rounded education. Boys are also able to explore activities such as Debating, public speaking, chess and Service in Action (SIA) with the objective that a spark of passion and interest is ignited.
Years 9 to 10 – Choosing his path in life
In this second phase, boys make subject choices and discover their strengths, beginning the process of making informed decisions. Taking personal responsibility for learning is given greater focus and creativity and innovation is encouraged.
Exposure to challenging outdoor activities, combined with the compulsory engagement in the Year 10 cadet program (Army, Surf Life Saving or Environment and Community) gives boys’ opportunities in leadership, teamwork, service and commitment. In the sporting domain, the skill level and intensity of competition increases significantly.
Boys can explore global opportunities through the Beyond Queenslea Drive exchange program or choose from a host of sporting, cultural and service tours to interstate and overseas destinations.
The Making of Men
This year-long Rites of Passage program is for all Year 9 students and brings boys together at a time when they are experiencing significant adolescent development. The program includes a three week live-in experience, when boys can explore concepts not typically discussed in the classroom and develop a strong sense of identify and belonging.
For more information on this program, please click here.
Years 11 to 12 – Mastering skills for his future
This final phase of a boy’s educational journey involves him taking ownership for his selected subjects and learning. The choice of university entrance or pursuit of a work-based orientated course is a decision for the individual and his family. Students are given degrees of independence over these years, allowing them to pursue a direction and to forge a path to becoming fine young men.