Published on: 22 August 2024

Soli is an annual performance for our Year 12 musicians and a significant event in the School’s calendar. Soli ’24 will take place next Saturday 31 August, and the performers, ensembles, and Music Department are buzzing with excitement in the lead-up.

What those in the audience don’t necessarily know, is the extensive preparation behind the scenes to ensure this is a magical evening for everyone involved.

The process for Soli ’24 started in Term 4 2023, when Year 11 students applied to be considered as a Soli performer. From there, they picked what piece they wanted to play. Given full creative freedom, many of the featured artists on the program are the musical idols of our students, making for very personal, memorable performances.

Performers take on the substantial task of arranging their pieces, including for accompanying ensembles. Additional rehearsals in the lead-up to the event ensure all performers become familiar with performing in Methodist Ladies’ College’s Hadley Hall. On the evening, attendees can enjoy accompanying ensembles including Concert Band, Coltrane Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra, Senior Choir, and the Year 7 Choirs.

For our performers, Soli ’24 represents many years of hard work and dedication – up to 11 years in the Christ Church Music program – and celebrating their achievement under the spotlight, in front of family, friends, peers, and staff is an incredibly special moment they will remember fondly for years to come.

Tickets for Soli ’24 can be purchased here.