Published on: 16 May 2024

In a literary double feature, English students at our school recently received enriching insights from acclaimed authors Mark Smith and Rob Redenbach.

Author Mark Smith visited our Year 10 English students earlier this week, imparting insights into the life of a writer and offering valuable perspectives on the publishing industry.

The students had been exploring Mark’s debut novel, “The Road to Winter,” and were keen to engage in discussions about its creation and journey to publication.

Last week, the Year 11 General English class conducted a video conference with author and public speaker Rob Redenbach as part of their study of the novella ‘The Promise’. The book presents unique perspectives on Australians in conflict and the impacts of their service.

The students posed incisive questions to Rob about the characters, themes, and motives for writing the book. The discussion was engaging, and Rob even shared insights from his previous role working as a security guard for Nelson Mandela. The students appreciated the opportunity, and their comprehension of the text significantly deepened.

Incursions such as these are invaluable additions to the educational experience at Christ Church Grammar School. By engaging directly with accomplished authors, students gain unique perspectives on the writing process, the intricacies of storytelling, and the challenges of the publishing industry.

These interactions not only deepen their understanding of the texts they study but also inspire a greater appreciation for literature as a whole. Furthermore, hearing firsthand accounts from authors like Smith and Redenbach provides students with real-world insights into potential career paths in writing and publishing, broadening their horizons and fostering a love for lifelong learning.