Enigma students present their research projects
Published on: 17 November 2022
Last Friday Years 7 to 9 Enigma boys held their Presentation Night, with their projects on display for parents, staff, and their peers.
Attendees saw some weird and wonderful projects, from the effect of pH on plant growth to the creation of a new ultimate sport – Targetball.
The Enigma Program is designed to provide our most academically able students with further opportunities to explore their interests, collaborate on high-level open-ended projects, and interact with like-minded peers in different year levels. It is ‘boys mentoring boys’ at its best.
Students can be involved in the Enigma Program as a team member (typically in Years 7 and 8), a team leader (typically in Year 9) or a mentor (typically in Years 10 to 12). Additionally, some Year 10 students participate in Senior Enigma, which involves completion of a university-level course.