Published on: 31 May 2018

Six of our senior PMC boys delivered an overwhelming 522 food packs to St George’s Cathedral this week as part of the Principal’s Food Drive.

“With support from our House Prefects and ENCOMM students, the boys collected, counted, packed and delivered food packs to The Very Reverend Richard Pengelly, Dean of Perth,” says Acting Co-ordinator of the Peter Moyes Centre, Daniela Chacon.

“The Very Reverend Richard Pengelly expressed appreciation for all the support offered by the Christ Church community and thanked the boys for their hard work as he spoke about the homeless that regularly approach the Cathedral and how they struggle to find food and shelter.”

“He also highlighted that other schools have followed in Christ Church Grammar School’s footsteps and thanked the School, saying over 500 people will have something to eat in the next few days.”

“To be involved the boys had to apply for various positions including Count Coordinator and Assistant, Packing Coordinator and Assistant and Delivery Coordinator and Assistant.”

“This involved filling out a job application form and going through an interview with a member from the School’s philanthropy team. That process alone provided the boys with an incredible experience which will assist them as they prepare for life outside of school.”

“As the boys participated, each took their responsibilities very seriously and developed a greater awareness of the needs of others and how fortunate we all are.”

The food packs included common food items such as sultanas, baked beans, muesli bars, tinned tuna and fruit cups.