Published on: 7 February 2019

Graduates from Christ Church Grammar School and Methodist Ladies’ College joined forces over the summer break to deliver life-changing experiences for children with special needs and their families.

Over three days, 12 girls and 10 boys from across Perth were cared for by 24 Year 12 students from both schools who stayed by their side from the moment of arrival until farewells on the final day of the Sony Foundation Childrens’ Holiday Camp.

“Both Christ Church and MLC communities were superb once again. It was wonderful to see the art, rocket launching and gym activities being so professionally run, and the girls combined brilliantly with our boys in the companion and assistant roles,” said Sony Camp Coordinator, Mr Alec Barbour.

“The Sony Foundation Childrens’ Holiday Camp offers a unique respite program that sees high school and university students take on the responsibility for the care of children with special needs, allowing their families to have a valuable weekend off.”

“Nineteen outstanding Year 11 assistants worked tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the camp activities were set up, meals served, kitchen cleaned, and played a supporting role to our companions and campers when called upon.”

“Additionally, over 35 adult volunteers from both school communities delivered support by providing supervision throughout each of the camp activities. “

“The undoubted highlights enjoyed by the children during the camp were time in the pool, surfing at the beach, a visit from the Daglish Fire Department and Santa handing out Christmas presents on the final day.”

“We thank our Year 11s and 12s for their outstanding service; all 22 families certainly enjoyed their weekend respite and were very appreciative of the care taken with their children during the camp.”

This was Christ Church Grammar School’s 12th Sony Foundation Childrens’ Holiday Camp.