INSTEP program helps boys think for the future
Published on: 19 August 2021
The Year 11 General English class are completing a work experience program as part of their Careers & Enterprise unit. ‘INSTEP West’ is a workplace learning placement that offers boys industry understanding in a diverse range of areas, including IT, the marine industry, office administration, hospitality and even laboratory work.
The class was tasked with creating a brochure for Year 10 boys who were considering an INSTEP work placement in 2022. This allowed the current Year 11 students to share their experiences, highlighting opportunities provided by the INSTEP program, and also including tips. The boys then spent time reflecting, drafting, editing and formatting these brochures that now sit in the Careers Office, where Ms. Clarke will provide them to next years group prior to their engagement with employers.
The Year 11 General boys were glowing in their praise for the program saying:
- I gained experience in a field I am passionate about and got a great understanding of what my industry involves
- I didn’t know too much about my industry but I learnt so much and now I can pass it on to the next year of students
- I realised how tough work can be and gained an appreciation of how businesses operate
- I got real world experience and a better understanding of what career path I want to take
The students added that the program provided an insight to their potential future careers “Getting to see how businesses operate made me appreciate what employers want and what skills are required to succeed”.