Published on: 20 June 2024

Monday night at the Ellington Jazz Club was nothing short of spectacular as the venue reached full capacity with families, staff, and students eagerly awaiting the performances of our Senior musicians.

The Ellington Jazz Club, renowned for hosting internationally acclaimed musicians, provides our students with an authentic experience that goes beyond the confines of the classroom. Performing at such a prestigious venue not only nurtures their musical passion but also prepares them for future success by exposing them to diverse audiences and settings, just as professional musicians encounter.

The evening was a remarkable celebration of jazz, featuring a variety of genres including swing, blues, Latin, and funk. Our ensembles delivered captivating performances that showcased their immense talent and dedication.

The success of the night was a testament to the collaborative efforts of many individuals. Our Music Directors, whose dedication and hard work in preparing for the event, were evident in the fantastic performances, with a special mention to Ensemble Directors Mr Ollie Taylor and Mr James Chapman. Other pivotal music staff who joined them in accompanied some performances, Mr Dan Mangan and Ms Tahlia Denn, and Mr John McPherson who did a brilliant job as MC on the evening. The supportive Christ Church community, including parents, friends, and teachers, contributed to the warm and enthusiastic atmosphere that filled the club.

This is a big month for both our Preparatory and Senior Music students, whose other concerts include St George’s Cathedral ‘Concerts at One’ Recital, which took place last fortnight, Rock at Rosemount this Sunday, and the Prep Winter Concert next Wednesday.