Published on: 29 August 2024

This week has been packed with engaging NAIDOC Week activities, kicking off with a lively game of Buroinjin. On Tuesday night, we welcomed families, staff, special guests, and students from St Hilda’s to celebrate the opening of the NAIDOC Week Art Exhibition in Walters Boarding House, showcasing artwork created by our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander program students.

Their individual ceramic art pieces, including vessels and significant animals inspired by a story shared by Balladong, Wadjuk, Noongar elder Barry McGuire, father of Year 10 Bidjara, Ghangulu, Iman, Balladong, Wadjuk, and Yued student Jeeo McGuire. To begin the evening, Mr McGuire retold the story of the Djiti-Djiti, the Dingo, and the red-breasted Robin to guests in the Chapel, which was a powerful and engaging introduction to the Exhibition.

Not only have students spent the lead up to NAIDOC Week creating their artworks, but they have also been taking dance lessons, and this morning, they showcased their dynamic dance performance at assembly. The activities will wrap up with a staff vs Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students basketball game at lunchtime today, which is always a highly anticipated event. Keep an eye on our social media for photos from the week.