Published on: 22 February 2023

In 2023, every boy in Pre-Primary will choose to learn either the violin or the cello as part of the School’s Strings Program.

The Strings Program has been possible thanks to a grant by the Parents’ Association. Every year the Association consider applications from staff across the School, and the Strings Program was one of the successful applicants.

Now in its second year, the aim of the Pre-Primary Strings program is for boys to develop a life-long love of learning, listening to and making music.

Under the tutelage of our incredible Preparatory Music staff, boys learn to care for their instrument, set up and pack away their instrument, hold their instrument with the correct posture and technique, become familiar with routine, and practice and play a few short songs at the end of the year.

Learning to play a musical instrument has incredible benefits for young children such as:

  • Improving memory and learning ability by stimulating different patterns of brain development useful in building math and language skills
  • Stimulating creativity and encouraging self-expression
  • Increasing discipline and time management skills
  • Enhancing motor skills and co-ordination
  • Improving listening and reading skills