Published on: 5 September 2019

Boys in the Preparatory School are feeling enlightened thanks to insights they recently received on ‘how to live a happy life.’

During assembly, the boys of 6SM, became Professors of the fictitious ‘Life University of Western Australia’, and revealed what they have learnt as Year 6 students and concepts that will assist the younger boys as they journey through the Preparatory School.

Tips on how to live their best life included:

  • Own your mistakes and learn from them
  • Manners are free and go a long way
  • Nurture your soul
  • Never underestimate the power of friendship
  • Find your passion and go after it

“Our Year 6 cohort have really grown as leaders of the Preparatory School this year. They know how important it is to lead by example and demonstrate good behaviour,” said Year 5/6 Co-ordinator, Mrs Sally McKinnon.

“This collaboration of learning is motivating for students as they engage in decision-making and have autonomy over what and how they learn.”

A wonderful video of the 6SM boys sharing their life tips can be seen here.