Published on: 29 August 2019

Each year, schools across Australia spend a week celebrating books, Australian authors and illustrators. This week, the Preparatory School has enjoyed a number of fun activities based on this years’ theme ‘reading is my secret power’ to highlight the importance of reading.

Big Dreams production

Boys from Pre-Primary to Year 4 were treated to a musical performance of the play Big Dreams which explored the theme ‘fear of failure.’

The play intertwined three stories where characters had to overcome the ‘Dreamsnatcher’ – a voice inside our head that tells us we can’t achieve something and will probably fail. The play explored not only the importance of overcoming the Dreamsnatcher, but also the idea of supporting others and helping them to do the same.

“There was a lot of crowd participation and the boys were fully engaged and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the production,” said Preparatory School Librarian, Kate Marshall.

Reader’s Challenge competition

Two Christ Church teams competed at the annual Book Week Reader’s Challenge against teams from MLC, St Hilda’s, Scotch and Blue Gum Montessori School. Our teams, made up of boys from Years 5 and 6, worked hard to prepare for the challenging questions from the Children’s Book Council’s short-listed books for the Book of the Year Awards. Newcomers to the competition, Blue Gum Montessori, won the day but the scores were close and our boys did extremely well, coming 5th and 7th.

Zohab Poetry

Our Year 6 students were treated to an amazing poetry workshop from motivational speaker, poet, didgeridoo player and hip-hop artist Zohab Zee Khan. Zohab was captivating and entertaining, giving the boys performances of his Australian Poetry Slam Championship poems and encouraging them to write their own poetry. Our students were highly engaged and everyone wrote inspiring and creative poems.

Here is a poem about existence by Marc Tan (6JS):

I am brilliant because I exist
I am an existing thing that exists in existence
My existence is the white of existence because of my existence 
My brilliance is existing because it is in existence
I exist because I am brilliant