Published on: 21 November 2019

Academic success was top of the agenda at last week’s Preparatory School Assembly as high achievers were announced for achievements in competitions held throughout the year.

Boys were awarded certificates for achieving a Distinction or High Distinction in a number of competitions including the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMO), Maths Olympiad (MO) and International Competitions and Assessments for Schools (ICAS).

Special recognition went to Justin Goh (Year 5), Narendran Reddy (Year 6) and Aidan Lim (Year 6) for achieving medals in this year’s ICAS Science Testing, while Max Harrison (Year 6) and Declan Chan (Year 3) were recognised for achieving medals in ICAS English.

“This year over 150 Christ Church boys from Years 2 to 6 participated in the ICAS Mathematics Test, the most popular of ICAS Testing options which also offers testing in Science, Digital Technologies, Spelling, Writing and Reading,” said Deputy Head (Studies) of Preparatory School, Mr Jay Pyefinch.

“The ICAS Testing approach is based on the curricula for the relevant year and designed to recognise and reward academic excellence. Through participation, students are asked to demonstrate a deeper, integrated, and thorough level of learning.”

“Having well over 100 boys achieving at such a high level is a great example of what is academically achievable and testament to the outstanding teaching programs at Christ Church.”

In other competitions, Aidan Lim was recently awarded a Prize for his perfect score and a High Distinction in the Mathematics Enrichment Competition (Dirichlet level), with a final result of 30 out of 32.

Justin, Narendran, Aidan, Max and Declan will be presented with their medals at an awards ceremony at Government House on 9 December.

Click here to view all award recipients from last week’s Awards Assembly.