Published on: 12 October 2016

The Year 4 boys recently used their hands to deliver one of the oldest branches of engineering – boat building. The boys worked on a collaborative and integrated project using concepts they had learnt during Science and History.

During Science the boys focused on materials and their properties. In History, they studied explorers of Australia and the First Fleet.

In groups of two to four students, the boys were given the challenge to design a boat using a specific set of materials, including one meter of cane, 10 skewers, masking tape, and one meter of aluminium foil.

Working in the Senior School Design and Technology workshop, Alec Barbour and Patrick Louden assisted the boys with taping and construction techniques.

At the conclusion of the project, the boys had a ‘float off’ to test their design and construction success.

“It was great to see the boys collaborating, problem solving and trying out different techniques,” said Meg Walsh, Year 4 Teacher. 

“Working with the Senior School Design and Technology team, combined with the competitive nature of the activity, made the boys excited and engaged,” said Jay Pyefinch, Year 4 Teacher. 

“It was very enjoyable making the boats and sailing them in the Float Off!” said Thomas Rankine-Wilson.