Published on: 5 September 2024

In an exceptional display of strategic mastery and teamwork, our PSA Chess team secured their 15th consecutive PSA championship title, solidifying their dominance in the field.

The team (pictured left to right) was made up of Senior School students Yuen Joe Gao, Max Pearse, James Gregory, James Renouf, William Johansson-Jones, and Jeremiah Wang.

Competing against their peers from other schools, the team showcased tactical brilliance in outmaneuvering their opponents. This victory not only highlights the individual prowess and passion of each player, but also reflects the high standards and exceptional talent in Chess nurtured within the School. Christ Church boasts a rich history of offering Chess as a co-curricular activity, with opportunities available to all students from Year 1 onward. Chess helps develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and concentration, while also nurturing patience, sportsmanship, and resilience. Additionally, it fosters inclusivity and equips students with valuable strategic and analytical skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Congratulations to our chess champions and their coaches on this phenomenal accomplishment!