Published on: 24 March 2022

‘Ride to School Week’ has been twice as much fun this year with the School celebrating the initiative over two consecutive weeks.

As part of a joint initiative led by our Student Wellbeing and Environmental Committees, students have been encouraged to ride their bikes to school this week, and next, as a way of driving positive change in the school community.

“Riding to school is great not only for the environment, but for the boys’ health and wellbeing by increasing their physical activity levels. Exercise is excellent at awakening the mind and sets you up for a productive and positive day at school”, said Director of The Wynne Centre for Boys’ Health and Wellbeing, Liam Casson.

This year’s initiative has also included some perks which have encouraged widespread participation amongst the boys in both the Preparatory and Senior School.

Wellbeing Prefect Aditya Barua spoke about the future of the initiative “The Ride to School Week has been so successful in supporting the already amazing culture that exists at the School. We hope to see the initiative grow over time, with more and more boys participating every year and feeling the benefits.”