Published on: 26 February 2014

Years 8 and 9 Humanities students learnt how their brains function and how to maximise their outputs from guest speaker Greg Mitchell this week. With classes on the eve of important, mid term assessments, Head of Humanities David Proudlove said the boys hung on every word.

Greg, an education consultant and regular visitor to Christ Church through the Centre for Ethics, aims to help people from schools, training authorities, government agencies and businesses, tackle a range of issues while having fun.

Mr Proudlove said while using their hands to mimic the size and operations of the brain, the group of Year 8 and 9 Humanities students reflected on how Positive Intelligence (PQ) determines what proportion of our maximum potential we use. “In as little as 21 days, our brains may reveal significant improvements in PQ, allowing not only better classroom performance but also opening a door to a happier and less stressed life,” he said.

Greg’s presentation finished with a consideration of Howard Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences including a paper folding and tearing exercise to demonstrate how we all possess different mental strengths. “He convinced us all that among the most important things we will ever learn are what our own strengths are, and how we might recognise and benefit from the sometimes radically different strengths of others,” Mr Proudlove said.