Published on: 19 June 2015

Twenty Christ Church boys who competed in the Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad (OzCLO) were recently recognised for their achievements. The boys received two gold, one silver, one bronze and two participation certificates, with one team identified as placing in the top ten teams in Australia.

OzCLO, an online contest for high school students around Australia, challenges students to develop strategies for solving language analysis problems.

Ms Nicola Griffin-Appadoo, Head of Languages said the competition involved the boys working together to solve some interesting linguistic problems.

“It was very rewarding seeing the boys working successfully and collaboratively with their teammates. These sorts of competitions promote the use of effective communication and teamwork skills, both of which are very relevant in today’s day and age”.

Sadly, two teams had technical difficulties and were unable to complete the competition.

“The organisers told me their partial entry showed the teams were very able. They were complimentary of the work they completed and encouraged the boys to try again next year,” Ms Griffin-Appadoo said.