Published on: 19 March 2025

On Tuesday, Christ Church hosted an insightful Parent Forum for Year 7 parents, focusing on “Social and Emotional Development in the Digital World.” The event, led by Brad Gardner, Director of the Wynne Centre for Health and Wellbeing, and Kate Atkinson, Senior School Psychologist, aimed to equip parents with the necessary tools and knowledge to guide their children through the challenges of navigating the digital world.

The discussion highlighted the critical role parents and educators play in shaping a young person’s ability to navigate technology safely, respectfully, and with purpose. The forum explored how boys form friendships both online and offline, the importance of self-regulation, and how the digital world can impact emotional wellbeing. Parents were also encouraged to consider structured approaches to device use to help their sons develop lifelong digital literacy skills.

Director of the Wynne Centre for Health and Wellbeing Brad Gardner said the digital landscape presents both opportunities and challenges.

“It is our shared responsibility – parents, educators, and the wider community – to guide young people in developing strong social and emotional skills while navigating this space with integrity and self-awareness,” he said.

“This forum was about empowering parents with the confidence, knowledge, and strategies to help their sons build healthy digital habits.”

“As this space continues to evolve, so too does our commitment as a school to working alongside families in ensuring our students are equipped to face these challenges now and, in the future.”

The Parent Forum is part of the School’s ongoing commitment to fostering strong partnerships between parents and educators, ensuring a holistic approach to student wellbeing and development.