Published on: 24 August 2017

Boys from Christ Church recently took part in the 2017 Anglicare WA School Sleep Out held at NIB Stadium, joining 70 students from nine other schools across Perth to experience for just one night what many young Western Australians endure every night.

Year 10 Wolsey boys Hugh Moran, Patrick Mahony, David Lind and Nicholas Foster were amongst those who participated.

The annual Sleep Out, organised by Anglicare, provided participants with a genuine glimpse into the lives of homeless young people and the issues they face on a daily basis. In Western Australia alone and on any given night, around 6000 young people experience homelessness.

Physical Education Teacher, Mr Scott Crystal who also participated said “The boys were outstanding and immersed themselves in the experience in what was a very cold, wet evening.”

As part of the event, participants got to hear from Anglicare WA staff and youth workers, plus attend workshops to help develop a deeper understanding of the issues faced by many young Western Australians.

In all, our ambassadors managed to raise $1690 for Street Connect with special mention going to Patrick Mahony who raised $850 and David Lind who raised $500. Both boys were recognised as the top two fundraisers.

Over $11,000 was raised through the Sleep Out with all funds going directly to Street Connect, Anglicare WA’s mobile youth outreach service which assists homeless youth in the Perth CBD.