Published on: 25 July 2024

This week, Principal Alan Jones together with a small group of staff and students visited Ronald McDonald House (RMH) located in Perth Children’s Hospital. Together the group witnessed the unveiling of the plaque – Friends & Family of Fergus Egerton-Warburton & the Christ Church Grammar School Community – which is located at the entry of 1 Family Room. The three-year sponsorship of the room was achieved by student fundraising and donations which took place for one of our own, Fergus Egerton-Warburton (current Year 12 student). You can watch a video of their sausage sizzle event here and read more about the fundraising efforts here.

In 2023, Fergus fell ill with a brain tumour while in Papua New Guinea trekking the Kokoda Track with his father. On his return to Perth and stay in hospital, the Egerton-Warburton family were supported by RMH. While Fergus and his family were adjusting to a very different life split between home, work, and the hospital, the Senior School Prefect group of 2023, Fergus’s cohort, planned and held a fundraiser for RMH to help keep families together when life turns upside down due to a child’s illness.

During their visit, the group learned that one family currently in residence with their child has slept at RMH for over 600 consecutive nights, highlighting the worthy cause that our Christ Church Community has supported. They enjoyed a morning tea and were given a tour of the building and its facilities, which include a games room, a TV lounge area, indoor and outdoor play areas, a fairy garden, a dedicated playgroup, and a learning centre where teachers and special needs educators offer patients and their siblings opportunities to stay connected to their education. This initiative helps to bridge the gap between school and life in hospital and help children keep up with their schooling and enjoy interactive classes across a number of subjects.

Pictured left to right: Fergus with his Year 12 peers Alex Jordan and Hudson Whiting (Philanthropy Prefect), Christ Church students and staff, Fergus’ brother Harrison (’18) and parents, and RMH staff, the Friends & Family of Fergus Egerton-Warburton & the Christ Church Grammar School Community plaque.