Published on: 27 February 2025

In an effort to reduce traffic congestion around the School during the busiest times of the day the School will be trialling a bus service through Dalkeith from Tuesday 4 March to Friday 11 April.

The School already has dedicated bus services to and from the following areas:

  • Floreat
  • Karrinyup
  • Nedlands/Subiaco/Shenton Park
  • Southern Suburbs

The School is hoping families in Dalkeith will review the route and stop times and identify a stop that would accommodate their son.

The School operates a tag on/off system for school buses using student ID cards. Every Senior School student has an ID card. Preparatory School students wishing to use the buses can request a card by visiting the Preparatory School Reception.

The RollCall app allows parents to:

  • see student movements in real-time – getting on and off the bus and as they travel between destinations
  • select a bus route and stop for your son
  • receive email notifications and alerts about variations to routes
  • manage the credit available for your son’s travel

To access the app, please contact, or call 9442 1527 and you will receive a RollCall generated email with information on how to download and log in to the app.

The Dalkeith route is a trial, and for us to determine its viability, students taking the bus must book a seat either daily or in advance via the RollCall app for the duration of the trial. Each trip will cost $2.00, which will be debited from the RollCall account when he tags on with his ID card. Once the app is downloaded, see here to make a booking.

Usage of the bus will be monitored and a decision as to whether to continue the service will be made towards the end of this term.