Published on: 20 June 2014

Christ Church’s School Prefects and about 90 boys ‘pushed’ their way towards raising $8,250 for online youth mental health service last weekend.

The new initiative, called The Great Prefect Push, encouraged Years 6, 11 and 12 boys to make a $50 donation to push ‘anything with wheels’ for one hour around a temporary track. The boys pushed all manner of devices, including a variety of trolleys, wheelbarrows, chairs and prams, around the perimeter of the School grounds and MLC.

Director of Planning and Co-curricular Mark Morrissy said the goal behind the Prefect-led event was to raise a minimum of $5,000 to help develop apps, providing information, tools and support, to assist young people going through tough times and mental health difficulties. by Inspire Foundation’s WA Manager Lisa Laschon said was amazed at the efforts of the students and supporters. “The funds raised not only exceeded the target, but every $50 will provide help to five young people through for a year,” Ms Laschon said.

She thanked the School for supporting the mental health and wellbeing of its own students and young people everywhere. “It’s not only about giving back and getting involved, it is also great for your own wellbeing and mental health, which is vital for healthy communities,” she said.