Published on: 30 May 2024


Five Year 11 students spent part of their April school holidays at Camp Hero, a Leadership program facilitated by Zero2Hero. The organisation and its camp programs aim to empower young people to positively manage their own mental health and wellbeing and support others. While this activity takes place outside of the Christ Church curriculum, their mission aligns closely with our student Health and Wellbeing program. As such, our students are strongly encouraged to participate in Zero2Hero programs and many have been involved in recent years.

Callum Shaw, Jetlen Egerton-Warbuton, Zak Leamen, Henry McRae and Kade MacDermott (pictured left to right) were joined by around 40 of their peers at Camp Hero, which was an opportunity to build friendships and meet people from other schools and backgrounds. Throughout the five days, there were icebreaker activities, group bonding exercises, physical challenges, mental puzzles, a talent show, board games, a high-ropes course, raft-building, and a sunrise plunge into the cold river.

Callum, who is also working towards achieving his Duke of Edinburgh Award, related his time at Camp Hero to his Year 9 OQD experience.

“We had a suicide-safe talk, where we learnt how to approach and help someone we believe is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Some nights we did reflection activities, like writing letters of gratitude or staring into the eyes of another person for ten minutes and then writing again, where many people were tearing up. Throughout the week, we also heard from people who had been impacted by suicide and how they overcame it. They also described how they wanted the community to help prevent suicide and support those struggling. Zero2Hero was an amazing experience, I made great friends I hope to keep in touch with and I have learnt how to be better and help others as well.”

Other positive feedback from the group of students highlights the powerful impact of this program.

“Camp was such a genuinely heartwarming time for me. I loved everyone at Zero2Hero, whether it was the mentors, volunteers and other students who were all so sweet, hilarious, comforting, supportive and approachable. The struggle, challenges and vulnerability really made the camp a life-changing experience, and my confidence has developed in a way I would have never thought I’d achieve.” – Henry McRae

“I learnt that I can lead and love others as I love myself. My biggest takeaway was that you have to lean in and accept challenge.” – Jetlen Egerton-Warbuton

“Camp Hero has been a seriously fun experience. I’ve learnt to let myself be me. I’d say my biggest takeaway has been finding out how to help my mates help themselves, and learning how to be open.” – Zak Leaman

“Camp Hero is one of the best things to do! I have learnt the value of loving yourself and I learnt how to help prevent suicide. My biggest takeaway was that mental health education is needed more now than ever before and is not something to joke about.” – Kade MacDermott