Bill Watson (1946)
Published on: 31 May 2016
Bill Watson (1946) had on his bucket list to visit his old boarding school having left on 10 December 1944 three days before his 16th birthday. So on 17 February 2016 he visited Christ Church with his wife Mary after 71 years. Bill boarded at CCGS for four years (1941-44) whilst his parents were publicans in Kalgoorlie. Before Kalgoorlie, Bill had lived in Esperance and before that Marble Bar. Following school, Bill completed a heavy industry apprenticeship in Kalgoorlie before travelling east then returning home, marrying Mary and then moving to Perth in the 1950s. Bill’s interest outside of work and family is speedway and motocross racing. Bill is the oldest person in Australia to hold a motorcross competition licence at 87 years. Bill has kept a good memory of his schoolmates and the deprivations of life during the war years. He especially remembers the PE teacher Danny Ryan who instilled in Bill to walk tall, shoulders back and eyes up! A “good lesson for life” Bill said.